Global Fund escrow fraud co.

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Global Fund escrow fraud co.

Postby Smac » Wed Jan 04, 2012 1:57 am

There are several high-end bicycles for sale through
The seller, Victoria Digiorio or Maria Bamford
Says they are in Spain and couldn't take the bike
With them so left it with Global funds an escrow
Company to handle the sale.
I believe they are all scams and the escrow
Company is a fraud.
Has anyone heard of this company
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Joined: Wed Jan 04, 2012 1:44 am

Re: Global Fund escrow fraud co.

Postby lightfair » Wed Jan 04, 2012 11:35 pm

Looks indeed fake to me. The various texts are copied from other sites.

Please post a few more details (for example exceprts of the emails sent by the scammer), I'll add the site to our database tomorrow.
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Re: Global Fund escrow fraud co.

Postby jomtl2002 » Tue Feb 21, 2012 2:22 am

I almost got scammed by Maria Bamford too. She currently has one going for a Babylock Evolution serger here: The ad says "Due to job loss, I have to liquidate anything and everything that is a luxury. My huge loss-- your huge gain." When you e-mail the seller (Danny), it turns out to be from Maria Bamford who explains that she's in Spain and that eWorld Mart is handling the sale for her. The deal really was too good to be true and her e-mail was full of grammar mistakes. Buyer beware!

P.S. I cut and paste the quoted text, which is supposed to end with "your huge gain." I don't know why the "I am a spammer" automatically appeared there but It's true.
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Re: Global Fund escrow fraud co.

Postby lightfair » Tue Feb 21, 2012 10:51 am

Thanks for sharing your experience. Did the "seller" give you a web site for "eWorld Mart"? If so please post it here.

As far as the "I am a spammer" issue goes: This was the result of over-zealous "word censoring" of the board system; the word "gain" was considered as "spammy" since it shows up so much in spam messages. I've corrected this. There was nothing wrong with your posting.
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Re: Global Fund escrow fraud co.

Postby jomtl2002 » Tue Feb 21, 2012 10:34 pm

The website given for e-World Mart was
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Re: Global Fund escrow fraud co.

Postby lightfair » Wed Feb 22, 2012 8:12 pm

Thanks; I've added it to our database and sent a report to the hoster. From my previous experience I think the fake site will be gone in a couple of hours or sooner.
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Re: Global Fund escrow fraud co.

Postby garybrobbins » Sat Mar 17, 2012 4:37 am

March 16, 2012

I responded to an ad in the "".
The ad was for a high-end road bicycle. The ad had good photos and descriptions.
The seller responded quickly saying it was still available, but (see below):

to me

The bike is still available for sale.The frame size is 54cm and price is correct.
I'm in Spain and because I couldn't take it with me, I left it in Atlanta at an escrow company - eWorld Mart - so they can manage the sale.
The price includes shipping and insurance and I will give you 10 days of inspection.
If you are still interested and have any questions e-mail me.


- I replied back with a few questions and got this response:

Hello Gary,
This it 's a excellent bike and is in perfect condition .
For more info, you can go ahead and visit their website to learn more about how this will work out.
If you decide to but it, you'll have to start the transaction by filling the order form with your contact info and my item number - 9815628.
After that eWorld Mart will contact you with the delivery and payment arrangements.
Please let me know if you have any questions.

- I went to the website and noticed payment is "usually" through wire service/Western Union. I began searching for anyone who has used this service as I sensed my item might be too good to be true. I read your thread and thought I would add my experience: is this company a scam?

thank you
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Re: Global Fund escrow fraud co.

Postby lightfair » Sat Mar 17, 2012 7:43 am

garybrobbins wrote:- I went to the website and noticed payment is "usually" through wire service/Western Union. I began searching for anyone who has used this service as I sensed my item might be too good to be true. I read your thread and thought I would add my experience: is this company a scam?

Yes, it is. I've added it to our database now and sent a report.

Please post the alleged name and the email address used by the "seller".
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Re: Global Fund escrow fraud co.

Postby anonanon » Wed May 16, 2012 12:39 am

Same Scam - new name and e-mail address.

Here it is:

Jamie Curtis <>
RE: backpage response: 2102 Niner Jet 9 Bike Medium Shimano XTR Rock Shox...


The bike is still available for sale.
I'm in Spain and because I couldn't take it with me, I left it in Atlanta at an escrow company so they can manage the sale.
The price includes shipping and insurance and I will give you 10 days of inspection.
If you are still interested and have any questions e-mail me.


The ad looked legit, and the price for the bike was excellent, but not ridiculous. Beware.
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