OSD-MOBILE-SPEDITON , is it a fraud?

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OSD-MOBILE-SPEDITON , is it a fraud?

Postby Carlala » Thu Jan 27, 2011 4:10 pm


I am trying to rent an appartment in Mexico, the woman who is renting it to me says that she has just moved to England so shes is asking me to pay the month in advance by Western Union, which I know its not a very safe way of payment, so I can get the keys fo the appartment and the contract. The spedition and the delivery is gonna be maden by Osd-Mobile-Spedition.. Is it safe? Shall I do it? I dotn know if its a fraud or not.. Adn i dont want to loose my money.. Im a student!!!
Thank you for your help and advices, i need them!

Best whises
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Re: OSD-MOBILE-SPEDITON , is it a fraud?

Postby lightfair » Thu Jan 27, 2011 5:29 pm

It isn't safe and you shouldn't do it. With a 99.9% certainty it is fraud and you would lose the money.

The "woman" you're in contact with is probably some guy sitting in an internet cafe in Romania.

Please read the following thread: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=174 since it describes similar scenarios.

What we would like you to do now: Please post the email address used by the scammer. If you have a web address for the "Osd-Mobile-Spedition" (which would be a web site set up by the scammer himself) please post this as well so that we can put it into our database and hopefully kill it.
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Re: OSD-MOBILE-SPEDITON , is it a fraud?

Postby ianrwood » Wed Feb 02, 2011 4:45 pm


I think this is definitely a case of fraud ..... I am also trying to rent an apartment in Mexico, and probably have the same people speaking to me, with the same story of having moved to England 4 months ago, and wanting to rent the beautiful apartment to someone responsible and reliable, who will take care of the apartment, for a lower than market price rental fee, and the keys and the contract have been dispatched through Osd-Mobil Speditions, who will hand me the package after I deposit MX$7,700 into a Western Union transfer.

I am glad I found this site, and once I have worked through the scam (without paying a cent to Western Union), I will post the scammers e-mail address so that the e-mail address harvesting as mentioned in this site can take place.

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Re: OSD-MOBILE-SPEDITON , is it a fraud?

Postby elfgirl007 » Tue Feb 22, 2011 9:30 pm

Don't send your money, this is just an scam, I was checking the google map and I realized that the appartments exist but they are on sale brand new, not on rent and the real state office that is selling them is Bandin. As well checking the email from the "woman" SOFIA CARMEN TORRES, I have to say to me was very suspicious that I live in Europe, I asked her to call me or ask me for the add in facebook, or give me a number in London where I could call her, then she totally stopped contacting me. But not just that I was seeing her email and I have to say that it looks her spanish like if she would use a translator. Here I enclose the email she wrote to me, obviously this is in spanish, but maybe this will help to people to not fall in this SCAM.

Gracias por contestar.Me parece muy bien que podemos hablar.Tengo mucho trabajo en mi oficina pero te puedo enviar los llaves por correo para ver el piso ( in Mexico they don't use this word for for naming an appartment, they call it departamento ,Then she is offering here to send me the keys by post to see the Appartment). El tiempo de alquiler es de 3 meses hasta 2 anos.
El deposito ne seria necesario por que vamos a usar el servicio de Osd-Mobil Spedition Ltd. y ellos se van a ocupar del pago y de enviarte los llaves. ((( HERE SAYS that the Osd Movil spedition will send me the keys )))

Te voy a explicar como sera la transaccion:
*Primero nececito tus datos, nombre, apellido, direccion completa para empezar el tramite.
*Cuando tengo tus datos me voy al oficio Osd-Mobil Spedition Ltd. para depositar los lleves del piso a tu nombre y direccion (here she is saying she will deposit the keys to the Osd company and put them on my name and address).Ellos te van a enviar por correo un recibo para pagar un mes de alquiler.
*Tu dinero se quedara en la cuenta de Osd-Mobil Spedition Ltd.
*Cuando Osd-Mobil Spedition Ltd. tiene tu confirmacion del pago, ellos me vas a enviar un correo de confirmacion.
*Y yo te voy a enviar los llaves. ((( Then here she is telling me SHE is going to send the keys )))
*Tu vas a recibir los llaves, lo vas a visitar y me dices por correo si todo esta en regla y si te gusta.
*Despues que yo voy a tener tu confirmacion que quieres el piso,voy a contactar un notario publico para arreglar el contrato de alquiler.
*Te voy a enviar por correo el contrato original para que lo firmes.Un contrato lo vas a tenr tu y otro me lo vas a enviar a mi a Londres.
*Despues de que todo esta listo tu tienes que envies un correo a Osd-Mobil Spedition Ltd. para confirmar que todo esta en regla y ellos me vas a transferar a mi cuenta los 7,700 MXN.
Espero que estas de acuerdo con este tipo de transaccion.

So as you can see it is not really a real offer, it is TOO GOOD to be true !! Don't send your money unless you want to be cheated.
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Re: OSD-MOBILE-SPEDITON , is it a fraud?

Postby luz » Wed Feb 23, 2011 9:14 pm

Hi, it just happened the same to me... Thanks God I decided to make a research about this company an found out it was a fraud thans ti this link. It was the exact same woman but this time her name was Maria Paula Cortez...
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Re: OSD-MOBILE-SPEDITON , is it a fraud?

Postby elfgirl007 » Thu Feb 24, 2011 9:57 am

Gracias por tu interes para alquiler mi departamento.Tiene 2 dormitorios y 2 banos y la cocina es completamente equipada y amueblada.Esta situado en Arquimedes #196 , Polanco Chapultepec , Miguel Hidalgo, Distrito Federal, Mexico. Yo me mude a Londres, Inglaterra, hace 4 meses con mi esposo cuando acepte mi nuevo puesto de trabajo.Me he decidido alquiler el piso y no venderlo para tener un lugar donde regresar cuando acabo con el contrato de trabajo, posibile mas de 5 anos.
El dinero no seria una problema, a mi me interesa una persona de confianza qual me puede cuidar mi casa. El piso esta libre y nunca ha sido alquilado antes.Lo puedes alquilar por el tiempo que quieres vivir en el, y para empezar podemos hacer un contrato de 3 meses por ejemplo y renovarlo despues.
Yo quiero alquilar el piso con alguin de confianza, asi que por favor enviame mas datos de ti, por que lo quieres alquilar, con que te ocupas y todo lo que me puedes decir de ti. El contrato de alquiler sera tu garancia para entrar en el piso en la fecha que quedamos.
El alquiler es de 7,700 MXN al mes con todos los gastos incluidos(agua, luz,internet,tv,2 plazas de garaje y aire acondicionado) TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE.Te puedes mudar en el mismo dia cuando recives los llaves del piso.Los papeles necesarios las tengo preparados, el unico inconveniento seria que yo soy la unica que tienes los llaves de este piso pero espero que vamos a encontrar una solucion para esto.Espero tu respuesta para saver si quieres alquilar mi piso.
Esta es una grand oportunidad para cualquier persona.Espero tus noticias pronto !
Te envio tambien unas fotos del piso, espero que te guste !


Sofia Carmen Torres
Patricia Herrera
Maria Paula Cortez

Arquimedes #196 , Polanco Chapultepec , Miguel Hidalgo, Distrito Federal, Mexico
AV. Río Churubusco 17 #61, Col. Portales,Benito Juarez México D.F.
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Re: OSD-MOBILE-SPEDITON , is it a fraud?

Postby lightfair » Thu Feb 24, 2011 11:23 pm

Thanks for the postings. I encourage all participants to post the examples of the fraud in their native language so potential victims may easier find them. Please include a short English summary if possible.
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