I have a contact from a scammer and it´s website

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I have a contact from a scammer and it´s website

Postby Agomes » Sun Feb 06, 2011 8:15 pm

Hi all,i´m from Portugal and I want help to get this bastard down!
While searching in a Portuguese web for a used caravan, i found a very nice caravan at a very good price to be true...of course it a scam...
I've contacted the "seller", showing interest in the product, and i´ve get an web which i think is fake.
this scammer also as show a fake/stolen Portuguese ID! and, of course, they ask me to send the money (3500€!!) by western union.
The website is stil active, so i ask help to get this scammer out of business.
Here are the details:

Fake e-mail: heldergoncalvez@gmail.com
fake site: http://www.transportautoeurope.comuv.com/transportate

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Re: I have a contact from a scammer and it´s website

Postby Agomes » Mon Feb 07, 2011 9:12 pm

The response email that i get after show my "interest"in the business...

Hello thanks for the reply. The documents are Portuguese. I am not currently for Portugal and France by reason
WHO am currently agent for 6 years on a mission to Benin and Burkina Faso in
Africa, and as I knew it, the caravan is the agency
transport (transitautoeurope) that deals with the delivery.
I already have paid the expenses. My caravan has no problem.
The documents are delivered to the agency. The documents are Portuguese.
The courier will come with the caravan and all the papers and sign, but not
receives cash or check.
The payment is effected to the delivery of course, but it is going receipt
western union already paid ahead, against the control of their caravan after
status and roles.
As I am currently abroad, I would just have
sure it is very interested and have cash available. Once
I am convinced she is really interested, then I will agree to
delivery agency to deliver you to your caravan at home.
I have need of your coordinates to pass to the agency
transport. NAME
.................................................. ...................................
CITY ................................................. ................................
POSTCODE ................................................ ................
TELEPHONE ................................................. ..................
ADDRESS ...............................................
for the procedure is very simple.
You must go into an agency western union with the 3500 €.
Take the form sends WESTERN UNION.
Add your coordinates and
my contact information here
Name: Menezes Gonçalves
nickname: helder
Address: 12 rue les Cocotiers Ouagadougou.
Zip Code: 00226
City: Ouagadougou
Just after that you'll find it mentioned on the form
You must choose the question and choose your response
choice. After that go to the box with the plug and pour the 3500 €. The
Western Union agent will give you a receipt which contains over 10
numbers: the WITHDRAWAL CODE, beyond question answer, you
should jealously guard this information until the arrival of
The is that information which will allow me to be able to take
the 3500 to € BURKINA FASO after delivery. Without the code and question
Response: I can never play to your money. I want to be sure before
you deliver the caravan.
It is after the delivery of the caravan and after verification of their status and
original papers;
handing over receipt that contains the secret information to relay
Against the caravan.
If the convoy does not interest them most, could
abort the operation and will withdraw your money at the western branch
union without any fear.
You must let me know by e-mail once she finished doing
western union deposit to the agency, so that it can control the first
and then give the order to the carrier to deliver to you the caravan
immediately. .
In the case of your absence, you must notify me the name and name of person
who should receive the caravan.
Shall be provided with your identity card. YOU also rest.
There is, I leave you the coordinates of a shipping agency.
TELEPHONE: 0033 640273838 0044 7045755100 LINE STANDARD
EMAIL: transitautoeurope@yahoo.fr
ADDRESS: 44850 LE Les Relandières CELLIER
WEB SITE: http://www.transportautoeurope.comuv.com/transportate
my last price is 3500 €.'s French Portuguese.
this is my identity card. The agency
Delivery is very quick. All documents are with the courier
(Statement of sale, the documents of the RV and a copy of
my identity card). The certificate of transfer is ready and
assinado.DESCULPEM ME FOR MY BAD PORTUGUESE. my father is Portuguese
and my mother is French. many remained in France.
get to make payment Today, the caravan will have the latest THURSDAY. Is
necessary to properly hide the exact
secret information and send me a copy pass receipt. the agency is
very fast. will quickly have the caravan. . can trust me.
I am not stupid to give you a bad trailer. my caravan
has no problem. not yet have a payment because the code
question and answer. without the code and question answer: I can never
to touch your money. no guarantee can not give the order to the agency
Delivery lead you the caravan .. agency delivery is very
Fast. can contact the agency for delivery for more information.'ll
deliver information to the agency for delivery after delivery. itself
ends to make payment, you must carefully hide
eea question response code and send me a copy pass receipt. I
check before giving the order. send me your full address
. Itself after delivery, the more my caravan or you can go withdraw
your money no problem I just repeat to you my caravan
My caravan has no problem. never an accident. can
make me confiançase. western union is in the post office in
airports and train stations.
Importing: If you go to an agency WESTERN UNION
; Whatever is necessary to
send money and a friend will spend around € 140 (term
family). If you need to buy that is, will pay fees
(Commercial office). Will pay more than € 140. Is just to help them.
is free to choose thanks
Helder Gonçalves
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Joined: Fri Jul 10, 2009 12:14 am

Re: I have a contact from a scammer and it´s website

Postby lightfair » Tue Feb 08, 2011 5:00 pm

I've added it to our database and sent a report to the hoster.

Thanks for posting the story. In case the site gets killed quickly: Can you try to "bait" him a bit more? Perhaps he'll give you the "new" site then.
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Re: I have a contact from a scammer and it´s website

Postby alex69 » Fri Feb 18, 2011 12:48 am

Hi there , i also contact this guy and the emails are the same . But one thing i don`t understand is how can he get`s the money if you have the "password" from western union ?!?!?!... how does it works ?
thanks !
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Re: I have a contact from a scammer and it´s website

Postby lightfair » Fri Feb 18, 2011 11:50 am

alex69 wrote:Hi there , i also contact this guy and the emails are the same . But one thing i don`t understand is how can he get`s the money if you have the "password" from western union ?!?!?!... how does it works ?

The MTCN (the "password") is actually not needed to claim the money. An ID card or passport (fake of course) is sufficient.

If you have more information about this scammer (email address, web site of "shipping company" please post them here.
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Re: I have a contact from a scammer and it´s website

Postby BlackVenomNL » Mon Feb 21, 2011 3:18 pm

same here :evil:

website www.bt.cargos.elementfx.com

email adress: britton.manuel@live.com

wanted to use escrow for shipping the car. guy says the car is in liverpool dutch license plate etc. 3-5 day ill get the car but first i need to pay the custom custody (hahaha im not stupid)

what can we do to shut him dowm !!!
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Re: I have a contact from a scammer and it´s website

Postby lightfair » Tue Feb 22, 2011 8:33 am


I've added the site to our database and wrote a report to the hoster which in turn killed it pretty quickly.

If you still jave contact with the scammer you may want to play along a bit; perhaps he'll give you the next fake site then. Don't use your real data (name or adress)!
Posts: 865
Joined: Sat Sep 09, 2006 12:54 pm

Re: I have a contact from a scammer and it´s website

Postby Rodolfo » Thu Jun 30, 2011 10:09 pm

Boa noite
Fui vitima de fraude por parte de "Helder menezes gonçalves" sendo o email "heldergoncalvez@gmail.com". Gostaria que me contactassem para conseguirmos juntar o máximo de informação a fim de enviar tudo para a policia para que possamos reaver o nosso dinheiro.
O meu email rodolfodefreitas@hotmail.com
Rodolfo de Freitas

I was victim of fraude by "Helder menezes gonçalves" and the email is "heldergoncalvez@gmail.com". I woulg like if you can contact mt to join all the information and send to the police, to recover our money.
My email is rodolfodefreitas@hotmail.com
Thank you
Rodolfo de Freitas
Posts: 1
Joined: Thu Jun 30, 2011 9:41 pm

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