global logistics limited

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global logistics limited

Postby blipmode » Sat Jun 19, 2010 7:32 pm

I followed up an add on Gumtree that now (Saturday 19th June 20:26) seems to have been pulled.

It was for a used 2009 Ellsworth Epiphany bike @ £600 (too good to be true really).

Seller originally stated that it was a mistake listing made by his son, the bike is not in London, it's actually in Italy.

They are attempting to sell via an escrow/shipping service @

The site domain - CC - is for an island off Australia, and the company does not appear to exist in the UK despite the contact info on the site.

It looks very fishy to me, but they have even forwarded what looks like a legit purchase receipt for the bike, but this could easily be a mock up.

This has got to be scam, right?

What action should I take in terms of reporting the information I have? emails etc.
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Re: global logistics limited

Postby lightfair » Sat Jun 19, 2010 9:08 pm


let me start by saying that your gut feeling is right - it's a scam.

Now on to the details:

blipmode wrote:I followed up an add on Gumtree that now (Saturday 19th June 20:26) seems to have been pulled.

It was for a used 2009 Ellsworth Epiphany bike @ £600 (too good to be true really).

Seller originally stated that it was a mistake listing made by his son, the bike is not in London, it's actually in Italy.

That's very typical for this type of scam.

They are attempting to sell via an escrow/shipping service @

The site domain - CC - is for an island off Australia, and the company does not appear to exist in the UK despite the contact info on the site.

Actually is a provider for free webspace hence there are probably thousands of (legit) sites that end on In addition they also don't take abuse issues lightly; in many cases those fake sites are pulled within less than an hour. We'll see about that; I'll write a report to them shortly.

However: The actual content of the fake site is located at So this site needs killing as well; I'll take care of that once the part is down.

It looks very fishy to me, but they have even forwarded what looks like a legit purchase receipt for the bike, but this could easily be a mock up.

Yes, it could easily be and it is. As far as the fake nature of the site goes here is an example:

There is a fake testimonial on the starting page: "I just shipped a bike from London to Budapest. It arrived much earlier than promised and without a single scratch. Thank you for doing a professional job. I would recommend you to my friends."
Please do a Google search for the following phrase: "It arrived much earlier than promised and without a single scratch." (including the quotes and make sure that all results are displayed). I think it's pretty self-explanatory.

This has got to be scam, right?

Yes, definitely.

What action should I take in terms of reporting the information I have? emails etc.

Most important would be the email address used by the seller. You can also post parts of the emails but you might want to delete your own email address and name from it.
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Re: global logistics limited

Postby blipmode » Sun Jun 27, 2010 1:53 pm

to follow up:

below are the responses from one

I inquired if the bike was still available:

Yes the bike is still for sale.
Where are you from?

I thought being asked where I was from was odd, perhaps others should note this as a warning sign.

My son put the bike on the internet for sale and i think he made a mistake. I'm based in Rome, Italy.
I still have the bike for sale. I saw that are a lot of people from outside the country who want to buy this bike and if you are a really honest buyer i can send the bike to you, but only if you agree to use an escrow company because we must have some protection over the internet.
I want to have a perfect deal and i can let you 4-5 days for inspection and i will pay the shipping taxes, because i know that everybody wants to check the bike. I have full documentation and receipt.
So please get back to me if we can arrange something.
Thank you.

I was willing to run with this because I was familiar with Escrow from eBay, so I suggested using that with a Paypal payment and also inquired if the seller had paperwork.

I have the scanned receipt from this bike and photos. I don't have an ebay account or paypall account, i was trying to sell the bike localy but my son made a mistake.If we can arrange a deal please let me know.;


I viewed the receipt and my suspicions were further aroused, there is simply no way a bike store could sell an Ellsworth Epiphany at that price new. I also checked the bike company name, it exists, it's in Rome, but they do not sell high end bikes, so I somehow made myself believe it was a used bike sold by the store, very sad! : )

Please check the escrow website, I have used them before and i will pay the shipping taxes from my account that i already have.
You have the scanned receipt attached.
Please let me know.

When I looked at the site the first time I was still wrapped up in thinking this was a legit sale, but the site was lacking in terms of the detail I would expect from such a service so I asked the seller about shipping insurance etc.

Yes i pay the shipping from Italy to UK. If something happens in transit you will be fully refounded this is the reason that i want to use escrow, because they offer insurance. GSLEU will pack the bike for me, i will try to make some pictures then.
You can pay in euro, the ammount is 705 euros.
Please let me know when you get registered at GSLEU, because as soon as you do that i will deliver the bike for shipping and inspection. Today is late, but if you register today i will send the bike tomorrow morning because is open untill 1 PM.

This last reply was the one that flicked the switch in terms of looking more carefully at the site that I was being referred to and the seller was simply too eager to close the sale. They also claimed that the escrow/shipping company would be open until 1pm, on a Sunday, which is highly unlikely, especially if you consider it is allegedly based in Italy. It was at this point that I posted here and that I noticed the original Gumtree add had been pulled.

I heard nothing more from the seller.
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Re: global logistics limited

Postby lightfair » Mon Jun 28, 2010 7:28 pm

Thanks for the detailed description and the email address used by the scammer.

As you probably have noticed both the part and the actual content were killed shortly after your first posting. The two web hosts have a very good abuse management.
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Re: global logistics limited

Postby ins » Mon Nov 08, 2010 4:55 pm

I had the same problem with a guy with mail !
He suggested
Be aware people
I hope that no one gets scammed by this F#$%ng guy!

THank you !!
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Re: global logistics limited

Postby ins » Mon Nov 08, 2010 4:56 pm

Here is what he claimed.

The bike is in Italy with me. The bike is a 2009 trek madone 5.2 60cm. please check the pics attached.
I didn't want to sell this bike first, but i need all the money that i can get, because medical insurance here is so expensive and i must pay for every day at the hospital.
I'm a serious man, i want to sell this bike as soon as i can. Please visit for more information and let me know if we can arrange a deal.
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Re: global logistics limited

Postby lightfair » Wed Nov 10, 2010 11:44 pm

Thanks for the information. I'll add the site later and try to get it killed.
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Re: global logistics limited

Postby crh » Thu Nov 11, 2010 10:29 pm

I had the same situation, I guess is the same Cheater with different e-mail address or alias Clarke Aswald (, the BIKE I found is published on ... -126705100, with some reals pictures but FAKE ITALIAN bill pictures for 980 Euros NOTE it has the same Date and Company name, during the arrangment he told me: "I can ship the bike anywere, but for payment and shipping i want to use escrow because we both have protection and insurance, please visit to see how they works.
The bike is like new, there are no damages, please check the pics."
HE LATER ON TOLD ME ... "I'm in Rome, Italy right now at a competition among cyclists. I will ship the bike from here with an escrow company that will take care of shipping and payment and i can pay the shipping taxes. I have used this company before and i'm familiar with their services. Please see for yourself and let me know if we can arrange deal.
I will pay the shipping taxes because i have a disccount cupon.
Let me know your answer.
Also, i have attached you some pics. " HE CONTUINES ... :" I had some problems with my son at the hospital. Sorry for delay.
Yes the price is 750 usd, i can ship the bike directly to you, but i need your details, or send the details to the escrow company because they will notify me.
I can ship the bike as soon as i receive your details, like full name, the address where you want to receive the bike. "
HERE ENDS OUR conversation we had via e-mail, of course everything is FAKE, Finally I ended reporting it and NOT purchasing it. I am still working to get this MOFO down, in jail! I will try to add the pictures so you see them buyers. BE CAREFUL he is using similars storys to cheat buyers. In addition I asked to team: Do you have somthing to do with they say no!
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