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One more fraud site

Postby glanz_ » Wed Nov 03, 2010 6:54 pm


Can you verify the site:
Company Name: Car Transporter Services Ltd

This company says, that its 'company number' is 02072622.
I made some research, and found, that company name with such number is "CAR TRANSPORT PROCESSING U.K. LIMITED", and this name was in the database of fraudulent websites.

The company asks me to transfer them 1000 EUR, but via Western Union, not via bank transfer. Also, they provide only scanned invoice for my order, and promise me to deliver a car to my home, but I'm in Belarus, and car should clear customs anyway.
So, I'm not sure, the company is legal.

Thank you!
Posts: 3
Joined: Wed Nov 03, 2010 6:37 pm

Re: One more fraud site

Postby glanz_ » Wed Nov 03, 2010 7:09 pm

Also, when I asked the company, why they don't want work with bank transfer, the following answer I received (just now):

"Dear Customer,

We do not accept bank transfer for deposit payments,It take 4 days to receive a payment and the seller can't wait more.Is a super offer price and he said that if tomorrow you will not complete deposit payment to us, he will sell the car to the next offer.
We will deliver you the car with 10 days temporary plates.You will check and inspect and the car and if you find something wrong, we will return your deposit payment.You will go to your custom when you will be the new owner of the car, because the car is not your, will be your car after you pay the full payment and be the owner of the car.

We wait the transfer details for tomorrow so we can start the transport to your location."

And signature at this time was: Car Transport Processing UK
Another company name, another address below it.

As I can see,
1) there are many inconsistencies in given information;
2) company doesn't know the lows of my country, and insist on proper delivery without customs;
3) As I know, west countries don't like working with Russia, Belarus, but this company was 'glad' to deliver the car.

I haven't said to them yet, that I caught them ).

Waiting for your answer!
Thanks again!
Posts: 3
Joined: Wed Nov 03, 2010 6:37 pm

Re: One more fraud site

Postby lightfair » Thu Nov 04, 2010 11:34 am


yes, it's fake. Don't pay anything; I'll take care of the site tonight when I got a bit more time.
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Joined: Sat Sep 09, 2006 12:54 pm

Re: One more fraud site

Postby glanz_ » Thu Nov 04, 2010 12:36 pm

to lightfair, thank you very much!

When I said, that "my friend is in London now, and he can visit your office to pay required deposit with confirmation document, because I'd like to be sure, that you are legal company", they answered the following:
"We don't know if you are serious or no.We will cancel the deal.We do not accept to lose more time and money."

Your database has really helped me to save my money.

Thank you very much!
Posts: 3
Joined: Wed Nov 03, 2010 6:37 pm

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