& Scams! Beware! Update 15.05.09

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Re: & Scams! Beware! Update 15.05.09

Postby exelor » Fri Mar 12, 2010 9:49 am


My father just got scammed by Thomas Anders and Fake AutoScout24. We didn't send them the mtcn number from western union, just the receipt with ommited numbers meant to be sent for a friend of his. Is there any way to get our money back from western union?

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Re: & Scams! Beware! Update 15.05.09

Postby peg » Wed Apr 14, 2010 11:35 am

The only way is to contact Western Union and try and get it back. If it has not been picked up, there may be a chance, but I suspect it's already been picked up.

The MTCN is NOT needed to get the funds. They use this as a means to try and gain your confidence to think that your money is secure.

Once the money is picked up... it's gone.

If nothing else file a report with your local authorities either way.
- peg -

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Re: & Scams! Beware! Update 15.05.09

Postby wawrzynsz » Tue May 25, 2010 6:36 pm


Thanks everyone for the information. I was very close to falling into this trap. Now I know that this is all a scam.I was anxious about all this so I googled all people who were into this and after some time I stumbled on this forum when it turned out William Trogdon is on your blacklist. I'm still in touch with the con man called Peter Brandom <>. He doesn't know that I know (thanks to you) and I think I can nag him for some time. If you have any ideas how, i'm open for all ideas.

Here is my story:

I'm from Poland. I've been searching internet for good offers for a 8/9 year old Toyota Rav 4. The cheapest normal offer in Poland was about 8000 euro. I've stumbled on the "great offer". Nine year old Toyota Rav 4 for 4000 euro. Good condition, photos etc. Everything seemed great. I was excited about this offer so I asked the seller for more info. He replied:

Peter Brandom <> wrote:


Due to the fact I am quite busy I found out a company which will help me to sell the car easily.They will handle shipping, payment and everything else. I will pay all taxes for shipping.You will have 5 days for inspect the car. Let me explain you how how the shipping company works. First I will get the car to the shipping company. When they will have the car in their custody (I will give you a tracking number so you can track the shipping process at any time) you have to transfer 50% from the car value to them (the shipping company will inform you how to make the payment). After the transfer is done the shipping company will put the money secure and they will continue the shipping. After you will receive and inspect the car (5 days) you will have to inform the shipping company if you want or not the car. In case you will keep the car you will have to pay the rest of the money to the shipping company,in case you will not keep the car the shipping company will pay you back the money.
If you are interested get back to me and provide me the following details so I can make the shipping documents:

Zip code:




I'm still interested, but what guarantee I have, that If I don't buy the car, the shipping company will pay me back? I apologize, I'm busy too, send me link with the offer again then I'll send you my adress.

He wrote:


You must send 50% of the value of the car before the start of shipment. After you send the money shipping agents will check the shipment and they will send you a shipping paper and a contract of purchase and selling between me and you. This is a guarantee to see you that you will not lose money. The shipping company will also need this lining and confirmation that you paid the first 50% amount when they pass the border. The name of the shipping company is: Ship2World and email address is: Here also their website if you can get more information from them: The price of the car 4000 Euros all taxes included shipping and all other expenses if you need to pay only the amount for the car and nothing more. The car will be provided with original documents, the shipping company will control all the details of the transaction, they will ship the car to your home address if you do not have to go and choose the top! By means of treating these processes a third neutral party, a company that checks if the goods are sent and looks what seller has agreed with the buyer and release the money only after the goods have been accepted . I used this service before. You will have an inspection period of 5 days (I think 5 days are enough). In this time you can check, can try and inspect the car and documents. An agent will be there to help you register the car. If for any reason (the car has any hidden damage or not as I described you may refuse the case. In this case the company will reimburse you up completely and you ship the car back to me on my cost. The car was checked by a qualified motor technician and the car has passed all tests with no problems. Send me an e-mail as soon as possible your name and full address to join our transaction.

Best Regards !

And I:

I'm interested please send me full specifications of the car: year of the production, color, upholstery, equipment, accesoriess, type of the engine, what fuel does it run, data about the hook or sunroof, what kind of tires does it have etc. so there will be no problem with the courier.

Here is my full adress:

(here i wrote the adress)

Best regards.

He repiled:

Dear sir,
I want you to know that i have sent your full name and address to the shipping company and they told me that they will send you the shipping paper. They will also give you more information about the shipping and about the payment method. i hope that we will make the deal and at the end both of us will be happy.
Best regards!

Then I got an e-mail from a company called Ship2World <>


So I replied to the "company" and sent an carbon copy to Peter Brandom:


I'd like you to give me more information about the car. Please send me scan of the vehicle registration document and especially the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN).
Who is the owner right now? To this point I've been contacting with Peter Bandom and he said that I'd get all the information from the agent and I even don't know his e-mail or other way to make quick communication. Another thing is the payment method. Is Western Union the only way?

Yours sincerely

The company didn't reply but Brandom did:

Dear sir,
The car was made in 10/2002 and i am the first owner of the car. The engine of the car is a 1995 cm3 that develops 85KW or 116Horses Power. The consumption of the car is 6L/100Km. As i told you before i am the owner of the car. My name is Brown Andrew. The registration number is: PGN 027AV.

I have come home from the shipping company. Here is your tracking number: TRT01A2431. The web site company where you can check the tracking is: The package contains the car, all the car documents and papers and 3 keys.

They give me a contract with our transaction. I have attached it here. After the 5 days of testing the car you will decide to buy the car, you will have to sign this contract on the right down corner. They told me that everything is alright, that they have sent you the shipping paper and they told me that they need a scanned paper from the WesternUnion to confirm that you have sent the money. Then they will start the shipping. What you have to do is to go to the nearest WesternUnion center of your town to send the money. So you have to send them the scanned paper from WesternUnion. After that they will start the shipping and you will receive the car in 5 days. You will find on the shipping paper the name and the address of a shipping agent and you will have to send the money on his name and address. Please announce me when you will send the money.

Best regards!

here he sent the attachment:


Now I knew for sure that this is a fraud. I think the "contract" was made in Paint in 5 minutes.Of course he didn't send me VIN number or other important data so I wouldn't figure out that he's a cheater.

So here I am writing to this guy and playing it up and maybe I'll squeeze and adress from him.

You add can these names and e-mail adresses to the con man black list:

Peter Brandom <> aka
Brown Andrew
10 Great Russell Street
Zip Code:WC1B 3BQ
United Kingdom

Ship2World <>
and their site:

their "Agent"
Howard Coleman
20 Dorset Road
London, E7 8PR
United Kingdom

I hope that my story will help somebody.

Be careful!

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Re: & Scams! Beware! Update 15.05.09

Postby lightfair » Tue May 25, 2010 9:06 pm


and thank you for sharing the experience you had.

The site type is well known: ... &layout=31

I've added the site to our database and sent a complaint to the hoster so hopefully the fake site will be killed soon.

One thing to keep in mind: This guy (or group) isn't named "William Trogdon" or "Peter Brandom" and he doesn't operate from the UK. Those are all just aliases. The scammers most likely come from Romania. They will have accomplices in the UK and most European countries; very often Romanians as well.

At the moment there is comparatively little to do for us to stop this (besides documenting it, educating potential victims and killing the fake sites). The police usually doesn't investigate as long as you did not pay any money yet; and even if you had paid such an investigation is pretty hard because of the various countries involved. And yes, it's a very widespread scam targetting victims literally all over the world.
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Re: & Scams! Beware! Update 15.05.09

Postby Cornelia » Wed May 26, 2010 12:42 am

Dear Sir, Madam, please can someone help me find out how on earth some person managed to steal my identaty, use my credit card details to pay for an add in trading post and used my email address ?
I have also hand my computer hacked into by some unknown person and this all happened while l was with my mum at the Footscray Hospital as she had a stroke in March of this year and l have been run off my feel just tending to her needs and in the mean while some wicked person has performed fraudulent dealings on the internet using my personal information and has given me a bad name.
I have been trying to open my email but it is impossible for me to do it as the person how hacked into my account has changed everything and now l am looked out of my own account, Please could someone do something to stop unauthorised persons using my email also could someone please advise me on what to do in order for me to be able to go into my email account as l am honestly frustrated in trying to work it out, sincerely Cornelia.
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Re: & Scams! Beware! Update 15.05.09

Postby monteiro83 » Wed Sep 22, 2010 3:01 pm


I found an advertisement for the sale of an Alfa 147 for € 4,500, for this price I found an excellent deal for a car that sold in Portugal! This car is worth much more than that! I asked for details, and the story is being told I have any connection with those we are being told! I was about to go into business, but now I read all this, I am sad to see that really would be engando!

Notice that the individual is called Adrian Bruce, email, this has not yet managed to detect in your post.

And that proved it was a credible person even sent me a copy of your passport!

Well thankfully not moved forward with the business and just hope that going forward it can go away with this scum!
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Re: & Scams! Beware! Update 15.05.09

Postby monteiro83 » Thu Sep 23, 2010 2:02 pm

I leave you address here. Just as here this Alpha, I noticed other cars with prices too suspicious, like VW and BMW.

For a price so who would not want to buy a car!
Last edited by monteiro83 on Thu Sep 23, 2010 2:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: & Scams! Beware! Update 15.05.09

Postby monteiro83 » Thu Sep 23, 2010 2:05 pm

I leave you address here. Just as here this Alpha, I noticed other cars with prices too suspicious, like VW and BMW.

For a price so who would not want to buy a car!
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