BCC Royal Cargo - fraud

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BCC Royal Cargo - fraud

Postby Cyan » Thu Feb 25, 2010 1:47 pm


I'm from Czech republic and my uncle recently found a Bmw 320 DPF M-Paket car on the net that he wanted to buy. He speaks english only a little so he asked me to help him with the transaction.

I am a lawyer (though freshly out of college), so I approached the whole thing with caution. Checked the contract thoroughly, visited the site of the escrow company and contacted via mail both the seller and BCC Cargo. No red flags, everything seemed to be fine. So... we made the payment :cry: Oh yeah, what a disaster. Today I got an e-mail from BCC that there is one empty column on the bank money transfer order (adress of benefactor) and that the bank (Lloyds) put the transaction to the escrow account on hold till it is fixed. The mail sounded a bit desperate and had some strange language mistakes that in my opinion no englishman would ever do. BCC urged me to fill the adress and correct the mistake. I became suspicious and tried to poke around the net to check the adress they send me. That came up empty so I tried to open http://bccroyalcargo.com/ and look for any information there. To my surprise the pages were dead. After more searches I stumbled upon Escrow-fraud.com pages and found out that this whole thing is a fraud. I informed my uncle and he's currently attempting to pull the money bac from Lloyds. I hope we can still get our money back!

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Re: BCC Royal Cargo - fraud

Postby lightfair » Thu Feb 25, 2010 2:33 pm


you need to act very quickly and swift now. The following steps are (as far as I know) the most promising (but that doesn't need this will work any time):

1. File a police report. Don't let them turn you away; make them aware that this is organized crime, most likely from Romania.
2. Take a copy of that report to you uncle's bank and discuss the whole situation with them.
3. Make your uncle's bank get in touch with Lloyd's; if necessary have them fax the copy of the police report.

It might be that the missing column is sufficient to reverse the transaction; but I wouldn't count on it.

The site design was a sub-variant of this one:

http://escrow-fraud.com/index.php?page= ... layout=210

As you can see this has been used so many times by now that there is no question about the fake nature.

I'm assuming the communication with the "seller" of the car included a story how he worked in the Czech republic for some time, bought the car there and was now forced to get back to the UK, but has trouble driving the car there (and also selling it) because of the steering wheel being on the left side? You might want to do a web search for a couple of phrases from the mails of the "seller" and you'll probably find numerous other examples. Make note of them and present them to the police if they question the fake nature of the deal.
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Re: BCC Royal Cargo - fraud

Postby Michal » Sat Feb 27, 2010 11:22 pm

we are from Czech republic too and we have the same problem like Simon. Do you have any new informations?
Thanks. Michal
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Re: BCC Royal Cargo - fraud

Postby Cyan » Mon Mar 01, 2010 7:00 am


I've sent the description of the scam with a copy of relevant e-mails from BCC Cargo and a copy of transfer order to Lloyds anti-scam mailbox:


Now we supposedly have our money on hold at your bank and we hope that we still can stop the whole fraud from happening. I'm attaching scan of the transfer order as a proof that we have send the money and below a copy of emails that BCC Royal cargo sent us. Please advise what steps should we take to make you at least stop the transaction till the whole thing gets resolved. Tomorrow We'll also contact our bank here in Czech republic and ask them for help

No reply so far, I'll keep you posted

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Re: BCC Royal Cargo - fraud

Postby Cyan » Tue Mar 02, 2010 7:36 am

today I got contacted by those royal fraudsters again and they claimed that they are able to withdraw the money without my intervention:
BCC Royal Cargo Customer Support <bccroyalcargo@europe.com>
01.3.2010 14:20:20
Hello Mrs.Leszkow, (WTF :?: )
How are you,did you managed with the bank the problem that I stated it in my last email?If not ,you can wait because my boss have discussed with our bank and it is possible to resolve the problem without your intervention!
I will announce you if I still need your help!
Thank you!
Stephanie Meyer
Bcc Royal Cargo Sales Department
Hendon St. SR1 2
Sunderland, United Kingdom

Their english blatantly sucks now. I hope we'll be able to withdraw the money sooner before they manage to pull off some nasty trick and really get their hands on our money. The withdrawal order has already been sent via our bank in Czech republic.

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Re: BCC Royal Cargo - fraud

Postby Michal » Tue Mar 02, 2010 10:00 am

Napsal jsem vám soukromou zprávu.
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Re: BCC Royal Cargo - fraud

Postby haryom » Wed Mar 03, 2010 1:44 pm

Hi my Czech colleagues

firs of all I'm so sorry that it hepened to you.

I have a fresh experiences with BCC Royal Cargo frauds. I just finished investigation on the Internet concerning BCC. Mabybe I was only a little bit more eager to check theyrs web sites more deeply than other and finaly a collect quite a lot of suspicious circumstances.

1. All phones das not exists or voice recorder shortly replaed without any options
2. All loggos from "Proud members of" were from some "funny" companies which are moustly involved to move furniture around USA
3. I sent to 4 of them request if BCC... is a member ot theyrs association. No reply but company can know that somebody abused theyrs logo.
3. Moust of them are from USA, no one from EU
4. When I was asking for VIN code from car they still forget to send it...
5. Fairytale about steering on the left side - ofcourse
6. And other details
Finaly, when I red your discussion everything was clear - crystallic clear, more than crystall.

Once more sorry, I was very close to be trapped. Thank you for publication. I hope that you will get your money back and that you handed over material to Police.

I wish BBC Royal Cargo very hard physical work on a small island till the end of theyrs days.

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BCC Royal Cargo - fraud

Postby Cyan » Wed Mar 10, 2010 9:44 am

Finally some good news! The bank will return the money!

We have asked Lloyds via our bank to cancel the transaction and return the money.

Lloyds have confirmed the request and will send the money back after we confirm that we're willing to pay the standard indemnity for the recall.

We've agreed to pay the indemnity and we are currently awaiting their move. I will keep you posted.

Meanwhile let me thank to Roman for deeper investigation. I'm happy that publishing our case helped you to avoid the fraud :-)
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Re: BCC Royal Cargo - fraud

Postby Cyan » Fri Mar 12, 2010 4:02 pm

Just found a working site of BCC Cargo. Those scumbags are at it again! :evil:

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Re: BCC Royal Cargo - fraud

Postby lightfair » Sat Mar 13, 2010 12:30 pm

I'm working on it.
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