
Have you been frauded at at an Online Escrow Site? Put your story, questions and comments here!
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Postby Ambarabosh » Tue Jun 02, 2009 4:11 pm

Hello, I'm italian, please forgive me my bad english.
I started a transaction with this company to import a car.. the first step was the money transfer to start delivery. After hours and hours of research, to find information about them, I've founded theirs layout in this site. ... layout=27g :evil: :evil: :evil:
This is the 10th time that they try it!!!!!

Now, the company name is HTC Transportation at

Thank you for exist!!!
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Re: htc.transportation

Postby lightfair » Tue Jun 02, 2009 5:53 pm

Hello and welcome.

I've added the site to the database: ... ta&id=9031

I hope you didn't send any money yet?

Could you please tell us the type of transfer (Western Union or bank account) and the various data (addresses) connected to it? Also, please post the email address of the scammer.

Thanks and best regards,

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Re: htc.transportation

Postby Ambarabosh » Tue Jun 02, 2009 8:33 pm

Good evening,

no, fortunately I have not sent anything. But they know how to induce in temptation :evil: :evil:

However, I post a copy of a mail received by "the company".
Gerd Franz's mail is, he's the contact who would have had to sell me the car, and he published the announcement on site.

5JK53H4PS1 - Package in custody?
Da: HTC Transportation (
Inviato: lunedì 1 giugno 2009 12.08.07
A: xxx@xxx

Cher xxx,

Nous sommes heureux de vous annoncer que vous avez un véhicule en stand by à la société de transport de HTC.

Shipping Details:
Item Description
2003 Audi A3 2.0 TDI

Vehicle Tracking Number: 5JK53H4PS1
Vous pouvez suivre votre colis en ligne ici:

D'inspection des véhicules Etat:
-------------------------------------------------- --------------------
Intérieur: bon
Extérieur: bon
Moteur: bon
Peinture: métallique, sans rayures
Agent d'inspection: Markus Stanhall
Inspection Date: 01.06.2009

Livré par:
Client: Gerd Franz
Adresse: Korkeakoulunkatu 3

Livré à:
Client: xxx
Adresse: xxx


Plus d'infos:
Qui paie HTC service de transport: le vendeur
Durée de la période d'inspection a permis de l'acheteur: 5 jours
Mode de paiement: Virement bancaire
Troisième partie du service: HTC Transports Agence de tiers

IMPORTANT: Si vous recevez cet e-mail, la prochaine étape consiste à envoyer de l'argent par virement bancaire pour HTC transports et de nous fournir la réception de la banque numérisés. Lorsque vous allez à la banque pour compléter le transfert, vous êtes priés d'utiliser l'argent de sorte que le SEPA pouvez accéder à notre compte en banque dans les prochaines 48 heures. Essayer d'éliminer les conversions de devises à partir de EURO British Pound (comme vous le savez, dans Kigdom-Unis, la livre sterling est la monnaie nationale), tous nos clients à partir d'un autre pays que le Royaume-Uni devront envoyer de l'argent sur notre compte bancaire de Grèce.

Nous rappelons que vous êtes prié de faire le virement SEPA à l'option que nous pouvons commencer la livraison dans les plus brefs délais possible.

Service de transfert d'argent: le transfert de compte bancaire
Montant à transférer: 6.000 EURO

HTC Transport Agent financier:
Nom: Miah MD AMIR
Numéro de compte: 0310 1014 29978
IBAN: GR74 0432 0320 0003 1010 1429 978
Code Swift (BIC): ABGRGRAA
Nom de la banque: BANQUE ATE

Pour nos agents d'être en mesure de valider votre transfert dans la durée la plus brève possible, s'il vous plaît envoyez-nous les modalités de transfert.

S'il vous plaît envoyer le fichier reçu de la banque à l'e-mail suivante . Le reçu doit être suffisamment visible pour que nous puissions être capables de lire et traiter.

Après la réception de fonds d'une confirmation par e-mail sera envoyé au vendeur. Les fonds ne seront pas versés au vendeur, jusqu'à ce que les marchandises seront inspectées et l'acheteur (vous) envoie HTC Transports une confirmation par e-mail.

Si par quelque raison que ce soit l'acheteur n'est pas d'accord avec les marchandises, les marchandises seront ramassées par un dispositif de transport HTC agent. Nous offrons 100% de soutien pour les retours de marchandises. La marchandise sera retournée au vendeur à charge du vendeur. La totalité de la somme envoyée par l'acheteur sera immédiatement remboursé (y compris les frais de transfert d'argent).

Merci d'avoir choisi les transports HTC!

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Re: htc.transportation

Postby lightfair » Sat Jun 06, 2009 9:01 am


All the related domains are now suspended.

We are glad you didn't fall for the scam. Please let us know if you come across similar sites again.
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Re: htc.transportation

Postby Ambarabosh » Sat Jun 06, 2009 6:50 pm

I am me that I must thank you.
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Re: htc.transportation

Postby Enrico1407 » Tue Jun 09, 2009 2:23 pm

Hello i come from Germay and have payed to HTC Transport that was very stupid i think.

Dear Enrico,

We are glad to announce that you have a vehicle in stand by at HTC Transport Company.

Shipping Details:
Item Description
1999 VW Golf IV 1.8 Turbo GTI

Vehicle Tracking Number: 5JK86H7PS1
You can track your package online here:

Vehicle Inspection Status:
Interior: good
Exterior: good
Engine: good
Paint: metallic, without scratches
Inspection Agent: Markus Stanhall
Inspection Date: 01/06/2009

Shipped By:
Customer: Felix Demuth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gerd Franz???????????????????????????
Address: Korkeakoulunkatu 3

Shipped To:
Customer: Enrico
Address: Ac.......

Additional Details:
Who pays HTC Transport service: Seller
Length of Inspection Period allowed for Buyer: 5 days
Payment Method: Bank Transfer
Third Party Service: HTC Transport Third Party Agency

IMPORTANT: If you receive this e-mail, the next step is to send the money via bank wire transfer to HTC Transport and to provide us the scanned receipt from bank. When you go to the bank to complete the transfer you are requested to use the SEPA so the money can reach our bank account in the next 48 hours. Trying to eliminate the conversions of currency from EURO to British Pound (as you know, in United Kigdom, British Pound is the national currency) all of our customers from a different country than United Kingdom will have to send the money to our bank account from Greece.

We repeat that you are requested to make the bank transfer with the option SEPA so we can start the delivery in the shortest period of time possible.

Money Transfer Service: Bank Account Transfer
Amount to transfer: 3.000 EURO

HTC Transport Financial Agent:
Account number: 0310 1014 29978
IBAN: GR74 0432 0320 0003 1010 1429 978
Swift Code (BIC): ABGRGRAA
Bank Name: ATE BANK
Country: GREECE

In order for our agents to be able to validate your transfer in the shortest period of time possible, please send us the transfer details.

Please also send the scanned receipt from bank to the following e-mail . The receipt has to be visible enough in order for us to be able to read and process it.

After the reception of funds a confirmation e-mail will be forwarded to the seller. The funds will not be disbursed to the seller until the merchandise will be inspected and the buyer (you) will send HTC Transport a confirmation e-mail.

If by any reason the buyer doesn't agree with the merchandise, the merchandise will be picked up by a HTC Transport operative agent. We offer 100% support for merchandise returns. The merchandise will be returned to the seller on seller expense. The entire amount sent by the buyer will be instantly refunded (including money transfer expenses).

Thank you for choosing HTC Transport!

Next Email from Htc:

Dear Enrico,

Shipping Details:
Item Description
1999 VW Golf IV 1.8 Turbo GTI

Vehicle Tracking Number: 5JK86H7PS1

Your ETA - Estimated Time of Arrival is 10.06.2009! Tomorrow!!!!!! i think there comes no car!!!!!!!??????????

Thank you for choosing HTC Transport!

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Re: htc.transportation

Postby lightfair » Wed Jun 10, 2009 10:05 pm

For the other readers: I'm doing the reply in German.

Enrico1407: Bitte sofort bei der Polizei Anzeige erstatten und bei der eigenen Bank den Geldwäschebeauftragten verlangen und ihm die Situation schildern. Wahrscheinlich wird es nicht möglich sein, das Geld zurückzuholen, aber evtl. kann zwischen den Banken eine Sperre oder ähnliches eingeleitet werden. Aber dazu ist in jedem Fall eine Anzeige notwendig.

Bitte hier lesen:

und insbesondere
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Re: htc.transportation

Postby georg » Fri Jun 12, 2009 11:25 am

lightfair wrote:Enrico1407: Bitte sofort bei der Polizei Anzeige erstatten und bei der eigenen Bank den Geldwäschebeauftragten verlangen und ihm die Situation schildern.

Enrico: die Variante, die lightfair beschrieben hat, funktioniert NUR, wenn Du schnell bist........der Geldwäschebeauftragte KANN den Transfer stoppen...bei Auslandsüberweisungen, hierbei Griechenland, geht das Geld NICHT DIREKT an die Zielbank.
viel Glück

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Re: htc.transportation

Postby sputnik-37 » Sat Feb 20, 2010 1:46 pm


I think they have changed the name.

The new name ist KTS Mobile

Some names
Markus Stanhall ( Tampere Finland )
Loudrin Simeon ( Tampere Finland )
Michael Theodos ( London UK )

aktually they offer an VW Caddy with german registration.
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Re: htc.transportation

Postby lightfair » Sun Feb 21, 2010 9:36 pm


I've added the site to our database; and meanwhile it has been "taken care of". You can also post the email addresses of the scammers here.
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