global secured

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global secured

Postby paleosuchex » Wed Mar 04, 2009 12:20 pm

A client of mine has been scammed by global secured or global-secured end february 09, see you data base. :evil:
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Re: global secured

Postby lightfair » Wed Mar 04, 2009 12:35 pm


can you post a few details? I assume this is one of the "reverse" cases in which your client was sending the merchandise (probably an expensive watch or jewelry?) to somebody in Spain?

Have your client get in contact with the police immediately. is still active, unfortunately.
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Re: global secured

Postby paleosuchex » Thu Mar 05, 2009 7:17 am

My client tried to sell a Rolex Yachtmaster on E-bay for 4.500 €. The watch was not sold and after the auction he received an e-mail from, with the offer to buy through an escrow company Global secured. My client accepted and he send the watch with UPS to Spain (Benicasim) on 23 february 2009. The man in Spain signed for the watch with the name "Bruno M". The Belgian police was informed. I think the website of Global secured does not exist anymore since this morning.
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Re: global secured

Postby paleosuchex » Thu Mar 05, 2009 7:29 am

I can also add that the man who e-mailed my client is an E-bay member under the name "sammyadma" with the e-mail adress "" :idea:
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Re: global secured

Postby paleosuchex » Thu Mar 05, 2009 10:42 am

The man acted under the eBay member name "Sammyadma" and the e-mail adress he gave the client was:
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Re: global secured

Postby lightfair » Thu Mar 05, 2009 8:53 pm

Thanks for the additional details.

The account of "sammyadma" was probably hacked (hijacked). I'll forward this tom ebay security tomorrow. was indeed killed on March 04; unfortunately this was too late for your client. Another site operated by the same scammer was; this one was killed earlier.

Database entry for

It might be useful to let the Belgian police know this as well so they are aware that this has bigger dimensions (in case they don't already know this).

Thread on ebay Germany: ... dID=275973
eBay Italy: ... =900121930
eBay Italy: ... 1000033360
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Re: global secured

Postby paleosuchex » Thu Mar 05, 2009 10:10 pm

We will inform the police.
Together we might stop them.
I wil keep you informed.
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Re: global secured

Postby ReKrait » Thu Mar 05, 2009 10:32 pm

I have a big problem. I startet an ebay auction and before it ends i became a mail from, I stopped the ebay auction, accept the escrow service from and shipped my computer, monitor and keyboard (2500€) to spain. Im very angry now. I try to stop the shipping.
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Re: global secured

Postby peg » Fri Mar 06, 2009 12:39 am

ReKrait wrote:I have a big problem. I startet an ebay auction and before it ends i became a mail from, I stopped the ebay auction, accept the escrow service from and shipped my computer, monitor and keyboard (2500€) to spain. Im very angry now. I try to stop the shipping.

If it has not been delivered, you may have a chance. Many shipping companies will also charge a fee to cancel and return. Obviously if the transaction was a fraud, you will want to pay the fee (Small price considering the alternative).

Don't waste time. Also notify your local police.

Additional details are also requested regarding the transaction. Emails, Userid's Phone numbers addresses. Websites, etc. With the emails please provide the complete headers (sometimes called LONG Headers.) If you need help getting the headers, let us know what type of email program you use and we can probably get you an answer.
- peg -

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Re: global secured

Postby ReKrait » Fri Mar 06, 2009 6:56 am

My package is now in Madrid and I called the support of the shipping company. Maby I have a chance. Question, is the spain police informed?
Maby someone can make an auction on ebay as a trap for Niko B (shinebarra) and the fake package will be delivered by a police officer. Niko B has a new address, supposedly the adress of his wife.
Calle San Enrique.Nr 15 .Piso 3. Puerta 8
City : Almassora Citio Castelleon Dela Plana
Country : Spain
Zip Code : 12550
He stays there at the moment and his new ebayaccount is mrjenny.
Last edited by ReKrait on Fri Mar 06, 2009 8:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
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