Defrauded through Malanka Exchange...

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Defrauded through Malanka Exchange...

Postby sdev » Wed Jun 15, 2005 7:21 am

The story is very short... I was defrauded through Malanka Exchange.
Unfortunately it was the first (and the LAST!) time I bought anything via internet... I had not experience about that...
Unfortunately I saw this site only AFTER to have sent money via western union...
I made the complaint to IFCC, FBI, my local police etc... and I thing there is more nothing I can do.

But my question is: is it possible to use informations about the frauder, like IP address at a hour and day, to make anything against this person?
If yes, who should I give this informations at?

Thank you

P.S.: don't buy anything through internet... I will do never again this error...
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More info needed

Postby JaxHot » Sat Jun 18, 2005 3:35 pm

Please post the URL
The name on the site means NOTHING.
The sites are usually so new that they don't show up in the search engines.
Also post the e-mail address that the scammer used.
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Postby sdev » Tue Jun 28, 2005 9:38 pm

The URL site is:
The e-mail scammer is:

I wrote to server ospiting this fraudolent site asking to shut down it, but I received no response.

I made a complaint to IFCC giving them IP adress + time/day of all e-mails I received from

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Postby JaxHot » Wed Jun 29, 2005 12:26 am

The registrant is an identity theft victim.
That person needs to cancel the account with the web hosting company.
Malanka, Aleksey
39 New Liberty Rd
This is public information received on
Aleksey is probably unaware that their credit card has been used for this site.
People like Aleksey are commonly victims of "phising" e-mails, though they tend to never admit to it. requires the registrant to close the site.

39 New Liberty Dr
Leicester, NC 28748


Administrative Contact:
Malanka, Andrey
39 New Liberty Dr
Leicester, NC 28748
Technical Contact:
Com, Web
6 Bethel Blvd.
Bethel, CT 06801
+1.2034482021 Fax: +1.2034482022
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Postby sdev » Wed Jun 29, 2005 7:57 am

Ah, Ok, I understand...
So I should write to this Malanka to inform him that anyone opened a site using his data...
A question: the complaint I filled on IFCC does have any hopes to make sometimes against these bastards?

I am remaining in contact with scammer via another e-mail address to get continuosly IP address from him and I give them always to IFCC by update.

Does any profit this? I would like made anything to stop these persons?


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Postby JaxHot » Wed Jun 29, 2005 7:46 pm

The e-mail address that was used to register the site belongs to the scammer.
It would be useless to e-mail the address.
The only way to contact the registrant is by calling htem.
The IFCC will not help you as you are in Spain correct?
This scammer is using America Online to access the internet therefore the IP logging is useless also.
AOL will supply Law Enforcement with the IP but only maintains those records for 1 hour.
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Postby sdev » Wed Jun 29, 2005 8:01 pm

Yes, I thought in fact giving IP address continuosly to IFCC is useless.
However, I have filled a complaint to IFCC, I contacted my local police... I think there is no more to do...
By now my bad story is happen about one month ago, then I am forgetting it...
I think however I will write through ordinary mail to registrant to inform him about the facts.

Thanks at all.

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Malanka Exchange

Postby phigenek » Thu Aug 04, 2005 2:47 pm

So is it Malanka Exchange that is disreputable or the seller of the item? I am about to make a purchase for football tickets and was told to send my money to London to Malanka Exchange via Western Union and I do not want to be a scam victim.

Thank you to whomever replies to this message.

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Postby sdev » Thu Aug 04, 2005 3:19 pm

DON'T SEND MONEY TO MALANKA! It is not a REAL society!
Malanka is controlled by the fraudolent seller.

Malanka is Seller <-> Seller is Malanka


Please, post the e-mail address using as scam, with enclosed the data of scammer, to help anyone seeing this forum.

Thank You

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Postby phigenek » Thu Aug 04, 2005 3:38 pm

I am trying to buy Jets tickets and the seller's email address is:

Of course, I emailed with the seller and then when I got the email from telling me to wire money to England. I did a lookup for the address and Malanka Exchange came up and started to dig a little and found this bb as well as other postings regarding Malanka Exchange. At that point, I sent an email to the seller asking for his phone number so I could talk with him. He insisted on calling me. The phone call sounded like it was from overseas and when I asked him where he was calling from he said Chicago. I asked again for his phone number and he told me that he was getting ready to go travel on business overseas. (yeahyeahyeah) Anyway, I told him about some of the sites I found that discussed Malanka Exchange and escrow fraud and sent them to him. He wrote me back telling me that the company he is using is World-Parcel, not Malanka. I tried to explain the connection (of course I think he knows but I don't know he knows).

I really wish that these tickets and this deal are real but I'm not going to take the risk. Thank you for your information and if you have/want any other info (like the Chicago address where the tickets were picked up by the shipping company).

sdev wrote:Hi.
DON'T SEND MONEY TO MALANKA! It is not a REAL society!
Malanka is controlled by the fraudolent seller.

Malanka is Seller <-> Seller is Malanka


Please, post the e-mail address using as scam, with enclosed the data of scammer, to help anyone seeing this forum.

Thank You

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