Air Cargo World is at it again!

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Air Cargo World is at it again!

Postby Bumpysgirl » Wed Sep 03, 2008 3:32 am

Well we just almost got taken for a ride - literally. We saw an add on an autotrader site and responded to the seller. He indicated that we should use a third party Escrow site to make both of us feel more secure. We found him to be so helpfull - at first - as he seemed to have all the details about the escrow service at his fingertips. When you go to the site it looks really official and even had the BBB, VeriSign logos etc. I was a little concerned about sending money overseas but felt safer using a third party provider.

We got an official looking receipt/email with a tracking number asking us to pay, via wire transfer, to an "Agent" for Air Cargo World. This was our first concern.. why didn't they have a company account instead of a personal account. We decided to phone the Better Business Bureau and ask why the link on this site was not active and if they knew anything about this company. The rep told me that they only service North America so this company, out of Greece, would not have been on their list. Okay now I am nervous so when I come home I tell my husband about it...he decides to look up Escrow sites..and we find this site - with pictures and links to the same site - with a different name - that you have reported on here previously. So now we have reported the site to autotrader, econsumer and now here. I am glad that we didnt actually send the money! Thanks for this site, it saved our butts.
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Re: Air Cargo World is at it again!

Postby Bumpysgirl » Fri Sep 05, 2008 2:19 am

Well just an update...I reported the site to many authorities and the site has been taken down now. I have also filed a report with but they have not removed the posters add after three days. I really hope that no one gets sucked into this scam...
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Re: Air Cargo World is at it again!

Postby peg » Tue Sep 09, 2008 11:28 am

How about providing US with the website address, email address and any other information about the scammer that you have? We can work it from this end too.
- peg -

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Re: Air Cargo World is at it again!

Postby Bumpysgirl » Wed Sep 10, 2008 4:03 am

Thanks.. I did provide it in the other Thread but it is - the site is closed down now and as well have removed the posters adds. I have also suggested to Autotrader that they refer to this site for a list of Valid Escrow sites - hope that was okay. The scammer was posting a for sale add for a motorcycle in Greece. He apparently had taken it there and found out that he could not register the bike there and decided to sell it to someone in Canada. He provided a VIN number, 8 photographs that were dated July 08 and all details requested. The Escrow service had what looked like a valid receipt and a registration to their page - which I stupidly completed - thank god I did not use my regular password so that they would have that as well - but I did end up with a TON of Spyware programs on my computer. The advertisers email address was but he has also used to communicate with me. I do not have the escrow service email address anymore but it ahd aircargo in the address. The other info I have is as follows..
Site Name Air Cargo World

When they sent me the invoice/statement I noticed that they had requested I wire the monies to a Broker on behalf of Air Cargo World and not a company account. When I reviewed your image library it seems that this "group" has set up sites 14-15 times with the same graphics and look... This is how we were able to confirm that it was a fake.. Before this happened I never had any idea that fake escrow sites even existed.. I think it should be mandatory for ANY site that regularly advertises articles for sale list Escrow services that are legit and to deal with... maybe the push should come from that end as well? Just a thought...
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