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Postby m8nhia » Tue Dec 11, 2007 5:15 am

Escrow company:
Global Air Cargo

other yahoo emails:,

You also need to let us know about your transaction:
buying on line: Yahoo! Auction Singapore
payment method: Western Union transfer for $250 USD
Scammer's payment address:
Full Name : Bradeanu Ciprian Paul
Street :str. Lipscani nr.12
Country :Romania
City :Craiova
Zip Code :1100

I was wary, since I watched NBC's episode on internet scammers and identity thief yesterday night, so I typed the company's name and found this site. It was listed twice under the same name but slightly different web addresses.

I looked up the address that the person emailed me. The street address belongs to a hotel, but it is in a different city. The country is still Romania.

Thank goodness I found this site before I send those scammers my money. However, I did send that scammer my name and home address. Am I potentially at any risk of facing identity theft/fraud? I am quite worried about that.

Postby peg » Tue Dec 11, 2007 1:14 pm

Added to the db =>

As for the "Identity Theft" You should be cautious... There is always that possibility. I would recommend putting a "Fraud Alert" or a "Credit Lock" on your report. Both of these can be done FREE OF CHARGE (You might have to call the big three credit reporting agencies your self though). This will reduce the chances (Greatly) of being a victim of Identity Theft.
- peg -

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