My friend found a car on craigslist sent email letting the person know they were interested in buying the car. They then sent this web link for him to go and do a registration. Which he did and then they sent carfax with vin#, Lic plate# and Title# along with pictures of car with speedometer pic with the mileage on it.
Then they called and explained how to pay for car. My friend then went to pay money with a money-Gram. When got back to house checked web page and they showed payment was made. Sense this was done web page is gone along with his money, But I happen to have copies of web page and emails and called DMV in Florida and everything checked out on the car except for the name of owner and it has no clear title. Called company that gave the loan and they are waiting for me to send a fax from our local sheriff office and they will release owner information.
I have a feeling the owner may be involved!!
If you can offer any help please let me know.
P.S. Here are there email address: or