Really In Depth Escrow Fraud Company - CLOSED DOWN

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Really In Depth Escrow Fraud Company - CLOSED DOWN

Postby thecleaner » Tue Jan 11, 2005 6:46 pm

This is pretty intense and shows the lengths Escrow Fraud is taking. This Company is called (UK-INTERNETLIMITED) but also page titles list it as UK NETSOLUTIONS. Here is a transcript of my research for a lady who was selling a Gucci Watch for $2000.
1. I researched the web site called andfound the following info.________________________________________
Registrar: TUCOWS INC.
Whois Server:
Referral URL:
Status: ACTIVE
Updated Date: 11-dec-2004
Creation Date: 06-dec-2004
Expiration Date: 06-dec-2006
(this tells me the web site was just started on 6 Dec 2004)
Strike One --new web sites typically are the first sign.

2. The link on the web site telling about the "company info" says this
"Established in 2002, UK Internet Ltd is a leading provider ofe-business development and integration services for large to mediumsized companies. The firm's core competency is the ability to develop,custom business applications and solutions"
(this tells me the company was started in 2002.....thats a long timebefore 6-Dec-2004)
Strike two -- Not much about escrow.

3. The Customer Feedback from the main page is a little Strange
"Andrew Miller
I used Escrow-Trader to buy a new S-ClassMercedess-Benz on YahooAutos. The transaction went fast and easy. I am glad a service likeyours even exists.
Chris Donovan
I was a bit worried when I first initiated a car dealoverseas butEscrow-Trader proved to be a great company to deal through. It is sucha pleasure and comfort to feelprotected by a company whose onlyinterest is the safety and fulfillment of its customers.
Andrew Miller
I used Escrow-Trader to buy a new S-ClassMercedess-Benz on YahooAutos. The transaction went fast and easy. I am glad a service likeyours even exists.
Chris Donovan
I was a bit worried when I first initiated a car dealoverseas butEscrow-Trader proved to be a great company to deal through. It is sucha pleasure and comfort to feelprotected by a company whose onlyinterest is the safety and fulfillment of its customers."
(it repeats the Customer praises two times and it mentions usingEscrow-Trader)
Strike Three -- Escrow-Trader is not the name of theEscrow company that UK-internetlimited is suppose to it?

4. Researching Escrow-Trader
"Why Not fist of all, if you check out their WHOIS information (alldomains have this info but not all of it is valid and accurate) Youwill see that the record of this domain was created on April 8, REAL new company to have SOOOOO much experience.Also... if you go to their About Us page... I would expect to see abitmore. Now back to the WHOIS It\'s address is in NY but no mention of itin the About Us page. Why is that I wonder??? This just reaks ofFRAUD!Need more proof. Ok, Check out the phone number in the WHOISinformation. (Accept for the technical contact. That is valid as theyare the host.) Those phone numbers don\'t look like a New York or evena US phone number. In fact the 254 Area code is in TEXAS.Next, let\'s see the copyright date. At the bottom of the page, itshows a copy write of 2003. Fair enough. It matches the WHOISinformation with a creation date of April 8, 2003. So what\'s theproblem? Well if you navigate to the site map section to the copyrightand tradmark section, now all of a sudden, you see a Copyright of2002.Although I could find more with the site itself, I think that shouldbe enough to convince you. I am also in the process of checking thevalidity of their "Claim" of affiliation with I will postthe response once I get it.Also, I found an intersting website that is more about car buyingfraud, however he gets into escrow service fraud as well. And wouldn\'tyou know, there get\'s a mention as fraudulent. Gosee the site (on that link) and do a text search for"" (it\'s a little over half way down that page.)Since I am writing this page on May 30, 2003, it seems to me that thisis REAL new company to have SOOOOO much experience.Also... if you go to their About Us page... I would expect to see abitmore. Now back to the WHOIS It's address is in NY but no mention of itin the About Us page. Why is that I wonder??? This just reaks ofFRAUD!Need more proof. Ok, Check out the phone number in the WHOISinformation. (Accept for the technical contact. That is valid as theyare the host.) Those phone numbers don't look like a New York or evena US phone number. In fact the 254 Area code is in TEXAS.Next, let's see the copyright date. At the bottom of the page, itshows a copy write of 2003. Fair enough. It matches the WHOISinformation with a creation date of April 8, 2003. So what's theproblem? Well if you navigate to the site map section to the copyrightand tradmark section, now all of a sudden, you see a Copyright of2002.Although I could find more with the site itself, I think that shouldbe enough to convince you. I am also in the process of checking thevalidity of their "Claim" of affiliation with I will postthe response once I get it.Also, I found an intersting website that is more about car buyingfraud, however he gets into escrow service fraud as well. And wouldn'tyou know, there get's a mention as fraudulent. Gosee the site (on that link) and do a text search for"" (it's a little over half way down that page.)
(This is an exerpt from which tells how Escrow-Trader is a fraud.)
Strike Four -- why would they reference it on their site?

5. Their Partners list?
PSVD provides the industry\'s premier set of e-commerce platformseither directly or through partnerships with leading serviceproviders. Utilizing an infrastructure of interoperable softwaresolutions and hosted Web-based services, it is propelling the globalB2B economy to another level of productivity and efficiency.
MANDALAY the leader in providing independent, responsive andtrustworthy Inspection and Appraisal services to the B2B eMarketplace,increases the credibility and viability of online transaction sites bypromoting trust between buyers and sellers. B2B Valuations, "The NameYou Can Trust."
THE BIG M offers top-tier risk management solutions for online B2Btransactions. Fully automated and seamlessly integrated, its coreproduct, the Credit Certificate, provides authentication/verification,encrypted communications, dunning/collections and the eCrediblePayment Guarantee.
1980 With its unique management concept and primary ownership position inover 300 Internet companies, 19-80. is setting the pace for globale-commerce expansion. Engaged in joint ventures with companies likeMicrosoft and Cisco, its family of companies includes Yahoo!, E*TRADE,ZD Net and others
(MANDALAY if their a leader in teh eMarketplace wouldn\'t they have a web site---Google says it can\'t find theme wouldn't they have a web site?)
--Google says it can't find them Google Search
(PSVD If they provide so much to the Internet here or abroad wouldn\'ttheyhave a web site too?)
--- Google Says it can\'t find them
(THE BIG M If these guys are the BIG M then is must mean something Butsomehwo no one can find ifno about this top-tier risk managementcompany)
--- Google Says they must not be who they are ... tnG=Search
STRIKE FIVE -- Companies that have no real associated information on them.

6. No Secure Indication that this site is SECURE in its rl
(notice no https:// at the front of the web site.)
STRIKE SIX -- this is not a true indicator BUT other Legit ESCROWsites are secured by using the https:// which takes longer to acquirebut if you are not legit you may not take the time to set this up ormay not be able to.

7. contacting there support chat line yielded this
"Trevor:Please provide me an e-mail to contact you thanks
Welcome Trevor! Your request has been directed to the CustomerService department. Please wait for our operator to answer your call.

Call accepted by operator admin. Currently in room: admin, Trevor.

admin:Hello, how may we help you?
Trevor:I need a contact e-mail
admin:Please go to our contact page and you will find everything listed there
Trevor:Nope there is no contact E-Mail there
Trevor:what site do you support
admin:you can e-mail us to
Trevor:How long have you been in operation
admin:was this satisfactory enough?
Trevor:I am thinking of opening an account with you and need to find a few things out
Trevor:Why does your customer reviews mention Escrow-Trader?
Trevor:That is listed as a fraud site
admin:Escrow Trader?
We are not affiliated in any way with that website
Trevor:Why does it mention it on your main page on your customer reviews
admin:this is the link to our contact page
admin:i will look further into this matter right away
Trevor:Your partners are PSVD, MANDALAY, THE BIG M, and 1980....How come there is no web site or other information about them anywhere on theweb if they are web based companies?
Trevor:Are you there?
admin has left the conversation.
Currently in room: Trevor.
Trevor has left the conversation.
(They answered the questions correctly at first but after furtherprying they just disappeared...i believe the web site will disappear shortly as well and the guy attempting to buy your watch will
try to push things along before they take the site down.
STRIKE SEVEN -- I don\'t need to say any more.....................
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Joined: Tue Jan 11, 2005 5:01 pm
Location: Tampa Florida

Postby peg » Tue Jan 11, 2005 8:13 pm


Thanks for your hard work. We all appreciate it. I too took a look at this site. First thing I checked was the WHOIS info: wrote:registrar: TUCOWS INC.
status: ACTIVE
expires: 06-dec-2006

Registrar Data:

Internet Business Limited
375 Hunt Rd
Macks Creek, MO 65786


Administrative Contact:
Eastwood, Judy
375 Hunt Rd
Macks Creek, MO 65786
Technical Contact:
Technical, PIPEX
Portland Street
Nottingham, Nottinghamshire NG9 2LP
+44.1159170000 Fax: +44.1158770213

Registration Service Provider:
PIPEX Communications Hosting Ltd,
This company may be contacted for domain login/passwords,
DNS/Nameserver changes, and general domain support questions.

Registrar of Record: TUCOWS, INC.
Record last updated on 11-Dec-2004.
Record expires on 06-Dec-2006.
Record created on 06-Dec-2004. <---- Just over a month ago

Domain servers in listed order:

Domain status: ACTIVE

Besides the registration is just about a month ago, I don't know if they are from the UK or the US. The site would have you believe it's a UK site but the registrant is here in the US?? (Like I believe either one... Yeah Right!)

Any way... I move on.

The site is one of the more professional ones I have seen, but lacking that, if you compare the Terms of use of this site with that of ESCROW.COM (a legit site) you will see an Almost WORD FOR WORD terms of use. Why is that? Can't this successful Escrow Company hire their own lawyer? (The will need to if they get caught).

I provide the 2 excerpts to illustrate this: wrote: These Terms of Use shall serve as an agreement that sets forth the terms and conditions that will govern your use and participation in the transaction management and escrow services provided on and through this Site (the "Services"). By electing to utilize the Services and agreeing to the Escrow Instructions, you shall have also indicated your acceptance of these of Use and your intent and agreement to be bound by them. If you are unwilling to agree to these Terms of Use, you shall discontinue further use of the Services. If you agree to these Terms of Use, you will be bound as follows:

Definitions. In this Agreement, "you" and "your" refer to a User of the Services. The words "we," "our" and "us" refer to UK-NETSOLUTIONS.COM, Inc. and its affiliates, including its primary operating subsidiaries EC Services Corporation ("ECSC") and UK NETSOLUTIONS Inc.. "Account" means (i) an account of a buyer from which payment for the Transaction and related fees will be obtained, or (ii) an account of a seller to which payment for the Transaction and other payments will be credited. "Agreement" refers to this Agreement, the then current operating rules contained on the Site and the UK NETSOLUTIONS Instructions. "Business Days" mean Monday through Friday, except for bank holidays. "Transaction" means a use of the Services by a seller (or sellers) and a buyer (or buyers) in a single escrowed transaction. "Underlying Transaction" means the agreement between a buyer (or buyers) and a seller (or sellers) for the purchase and sale of one or more goods or services ("Items") in a single transaction. "Transaction Detail Screens" means those screens on the Site where Users provide all requested information in connection with a Transaction. "UK NETSOLUTIONS Instructions" means the document on the Site that contains the terms agreed upon on the Transaction Detail Screens, as well as the other terms and conditions of the escrow transaction. "User" means a buyer (or buyers) and a seller (or sellers) participating in a Transaction. "Site" refers to the website for the Services which can be found at UK-NETSOLUTIONS.COM wrote:These Terms of Use shall serve as an agreement that sets forth the terms and conditions that will govern your use and participation in the transaction management and escrow services provided on and through this Site (the "Services"). By electing to utilize the Services and agreeing to the Escrow Instructions, you shall have also indicated your acceptance of these Terms of Use and your intent and agreement to be bound by them. If you are unwilling to agree to these Terms of Use, you shall discontinue further use of the Services. If you agree to these Terms of Use, you will be bound as follows:

Definitions. In this Agreement, "you" and "your" refer to a User of the Services. The words "we," "our" and "us" refer to, Inc. and/or its affiliates, including its primary operating subsidiaries EC Services Corporation ("ECSC") and Internet Escrow Services(SM) ("IES"), IES International, Inc. ("IESI"), and other subsidiaries or external entities, Inc. may employ. "Account" means (i) an account of a buyer from which payment for the Transaction and related fees will be obtained, or (ii) an account of a seller to which payment for the Transaction and other payments will be credited. "Agreement" refers to this Agreement, the then current operating rules contained on the Site and the Escrow Instructions. "Business Days" mean Monday through Friday, except for bank holidays. "Transaction" means a use of the Services by a seller (or sellers) and a buyer (or buyers) in a single escrowed transaction. "Underlying Transaction" means the agreement between a buyer (or buyers) and a seller (or sellers) for the purchase and sale of one or more goods or services ("Items") in a single transaction. "Transaction Detail Screens" means those screens on the Site where Users provide all requested information in connection with a Transaction. "Escrow Instructions" means the document on the Site that contains the terms agreed upon on the Transaction Detail Screens, as well as the other terms and conditions of the escrow transaction. "User" means a buyer (or buyers) and a seller (or sellers) participating in a Transaction. "Site" refers to the website for the Services which can be found at .

Also I would like to re-affirm what Trevor points out.... NO HTTPS (that S means SECURE). If they do not have SSL do you really want them to deal with your money????

All the logo's are meaningless. They are just free advertising for those companies in an effort to help you feel safer about this site. Please see past that and see that this site is definitely a Image
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IFCC Complaint Filed

Postby thecleaner » Tue Jan 11, 2005 8:57 pm

I did file an IFCC Complaint and the number is I05011111347095.
But I hope no one else was afected or if they are in the process of dealing with this company they read this. By the way I didn't credit your site like I should have in helping me find the first reference to the Escrow-Trader site.
Thanks for your Site I'm sure the Fraudulent Escrow Sites disapprove of it.
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Location: Tampa Florida (FRAUD) Finally Removed

Postby thecleaner » Mon Apr 18, 2005 6:14 pm

I was waiting for this site to be removed and it now has been ......So that means they moved on and are operating under another NAME BEWARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: Really In Depth Escrow Fraud Company - CLOSED DOWN

Postby no_muie » Sat Mar 20, 2010 7:27 am

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