Some advice to find out, if the "company" resp. website might be a fake. You can use the tools on this homepage, for instance the WHOIS. Enter the URL.
1.When you read the text on the website :" our company is sincel
1987 more than a ......" , and the whois-page shows you that it is only registered a couple of weeks or days, in this case since 30.april, and only for a short delay (1year) there must be something wrong. 98% fake
2. They have no impressum, that means, who is the director, Tel. phone -number fax , etc, how can you get in contact with them? There is only a filling out form !!!! 100% fake.
3. Check the phone number (here, international numbering plan) When you get the information: "this number is most likely an italian Number...no further specifique information...that means that this number perhaps doesn't exist...".
120% fake!!!! All serious companies occur in an telephone- annuary or are registered at a provider.
4. You can google the adress of the "Shipping-Company". When you find under this adress the Ambassade of France or the National Health Center, you can be sure that they havn't rent part of the building to a shipping company. 150% fake
5 Have a look on the "Image-Gallery" (here)of fake-companies. If you find a similar or identical lay-out , iit is confirmed that it is a fake.
For this company icdb .. it is a fake.
Don't sent any money, it will be lost
Would you give 2000 Euro to a strange disguised person, you meet in the street
who promises you to come back in a couple of days and bring you a television or a car ..???
Wer kein freundliches Gesicht hat, sollte keinen Laden aufmachen. Chinesisches Sprichwort.