escrow car fraud- the payback(hopefully)

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escrow car fraud- the payback(hopefully)

Postby dominus » Mon Jun 04, 2007 4:46 pm

After I would be extremely happy to make some trouble for the f..ker.

I wrote the mail:
I received the escrow mail now... but there is a problem. They don't handle the ownership documents. How will we do that?

And got the response:
I have been contacted by escrow that you and the transaction is pending.
I wait for their instructions now so that I can pay the transport for the car to your address.
I hope you can also cooperate with escrow so we can finish what we have started.
Thank you

Should I say I have allready paid but my fax doesn't work? Or fax him a false receipt :twisted:
So I am free for any good ideas...
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Postby peg » Mon Jun 04, 2007 6:02 pm

Although I truly understand your anger and desire to seek revenge, you should keep in mind that these are very often from organized crime in countries such as Romania. Additionally, they will not generally be fooled by simple forged receipts. To them it doesn't matter. They will not send you ANYTHING, and wait for you to send them SOMETHING. If you Wire them money... As soon as they get it, expect NO CONTACT from them whatsoever.

Unless you are prepared to get DEEPLY involved (which I don't recommend for safety sake) You should leave it up to the professionals. Let the Police (or other appropriate law enforcement) do their jobs and provide them with the details that they need to do it.

The next thing you should do is let EVERYONE you know (I know it sounds like a spam email but really you should let EVERYONE know) about this scam and make them aware. Education is the key to truly stopping them. If more people become aware, then less people will get caught by these scams.

Finally, I recommend that you post ALL details of this scam that here in the forum for others (Keeping YOUR personal information private). That way more people will see if YOUR scam is like THEIR scam. Additionally, many law enforcement agencies use this site regularly especially the database and gallery to help identify scams and stop them.

I know it's not really the answer you want, and short of hanging them (the scammers) up by their short hairs, you won't get the satisfaction you want, but I am here to tell you, the "I was saved by your site...." stories make me more and more happy that I have developed this site and makes up for the money that I lost in a similar scam.
- peg -

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Postby CapriceFéline » Mon Jun 04, 2007 7:14 pm

Hi peg,

I think, if you keep them a little bit working for their money, it is wasted time for them. And what could happen? They send me a virus when they got very angry about that foolish french woman who was not capable to understand the transaction and who didn't stop to tell a family history round about the car with a lot of mistakes in an incomprehensible english.

May be, now as Roumania is part of the European Union, they enlarge their mafia-activities.

Where are the concrete dangers?

And dominus said, escrow-europa doesn't provide the papers. It is true.
I had a lot of contacts with those criminals and I'm still alive.

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Postby peg » Mon Jun 04, 2007 7:43 pm

I agree that "Playing Games" with them to delay things and wasting their time could be beneficial, however, I don't know to what level they may take things and would caution people to use care.

Beyond that if someone chooses to take it to "The Next Level" then thats fine. I would try and provide as much assistance with the caveat that I/we not be responsible for any consequences of how that assistance is used.
- peg -

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Postby dominus » Mon Jun 04, 2007 8:09 pm

I'm very sorry...I have been working all the day and I couldn't get to the bank in time. I have never done some international transactions. What should I say in the bank to do it as fast as possible? You didn't answer how will we handle the documents of the car. I cannot make the registration without them You know... Please find a solution for that until tomorrow so I can go to the bank and finally finish our transaction. Sorry for some trouble.
kind regards

He got mail :lol:
Anyone have some nice virus/troian to send it as an attachment in the next mail?
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Postby dominus » Mon Jun 04, 2007 8:30 pm

response mail:
Once with the vehicle , you will receive all the registration papers . With those papers you will be able to register the car into your own name . the agent of dekra transportation company will help you with that. Anyway , you should know that , once you will receive the car and you will inspect it , you can register the car on your own name and then you can tell escrow to release the money to me.
You can go to your bank and give them all the information the escrow-europa sent you about their bank account and then you could make the transfer .
Please tell them to do a quick transfer so that we do not have to wait as I pay escrow taxes for each delay.
Escrow says to me that I have to pay the transport once they verify that you have sent the money.
I wait for your cooperation so we can finish the transaction this week as I need also a car here where I work.
Thank you,

I love the part with dekra agent helping me with the documents :oops:
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Postby georg » Mon Jun 04, 2007 9:08 pm

Anyone have some nice virus/troian to send it as an attachment in the next mail?

No ,we havn´t
If you make it here public, the faker know it.
here read not serious people only, fakers also...
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Postby Eniac » Mon Jun 04, 2007 9:11 pm

CapriceFéline wrote:Where are the concrete dangers?

Never mess around with these criminals if they have your real personal data. Please read the rules for safe baiting as posted here:

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Postby Eniac » Mon Jun 04, 2007 9:14 pm

dominus wrote:Anyone have some nice virus/troian to send it as an attachment in the next mail?

Sending viruses to mugus and vlads is an absolutely NO NO. They would spread the malware worldwide and cause harm to innocent parties. Forget about this!

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Postby dominus » Mon Jun 04, 2007 9:52 pm

Ok, Ok... I don't have that much time anyway... I must buy a car 8)

Can someone explain me what happened exactly with the sucker... How did he put his own bank account directly to the escrow-europa official link? Pm is also good if cannot be told there.

Tnx guys once again.
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