- Need thoughts on this one.

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Moderators: georg, suziecue, JaxHot - Need thoughts on this one.

Postby peg » Sun Sep 10, 2006 6:06 pm

So what is the thought on ? Is it legit????

I have received a complaint from an individual claiming ownership, and I would like to know what peoples opinions are.

I have modified it's entry in the DB to show that there is doubt and removed (at least temporarily) the image from the database, but I would like other opinions.

Thanks in advance
- peg -

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Postby lightfair » Sun Sep 10, 2006 6:33 pm

"Start an Escrow Now!
Note - This service is still under construction and not yet available. When you register, you will be notified when it is finally up and running."

Uh huh.

I cannot even find an address for this company on the webpage.
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Postby peg » Sun Sep 10, 2006 8:05 pm

The "Owner" has stated that the site IS still under development and that he is not even sure if he is going through with this site. He does have other sites including an auction site. His intent (apparently) was to help avoid fraud for his auction users.

This could/would explain an un complete site. I think it would be more prudent to not have it available until it's actually going to be in use (perhaps a less fraud-looking site as a holding page).

The site is no longer searchable in the database for the time being until it's been decided one way or another that this site is indeed less than legitimate.

Again... Any more comments are greately appreciated.
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Postby CapriceFéline » Sun Sep 10, 2006 9:46 pm

Hi peg,
I think, we have to be 100% sure before we publish it a fraud.
That image of the woman with the well-dressed man beside her on that site reminds me of a picture, that I have seen somewhere on a fraudulent site. I am not sure. I will try to refind it.

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Postby grumpyoldman » Fri Sep 29, 2006 5:24 am

think this template was sold to everybody as part of make money online package.

tracked down some of them.
none were trying to operate.
most places an escrow license has to do with real estate.
you just cannot get a license to be ebay escrow.

several here:

when i see this template ignore it unless there is a real complaint.
so far, no complaints.
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VeriSign Logo

Postby wjn » Thu Apr 26, 2007 10:32 pm

Hi Peg,

I just spoke with VeriSign and told them that had a link on their page and was hinting at VeriSign having issued a certificate to them. He told me that they did not and was referring the issue to their legal department, who will go after them to kill the link and take their name off of the site. If they do not comply, VeriSign will have the site taken down. It is their opinion that this is a scam site, so I would keep it on the list. I was told that several red flags were raised when they looked at it.
You should take notice that there is a conspicuous lack of contact info....No tele#, no addresses, nothing. I will follow up with VeriSign next week a see how they made out.

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Re: VeriSign Logo

Postby peg » Fri Apr 27, 2007 11:37 am

wjn wrote:Hi Peg,

I just spoke with VeriSign and told them that had a link on their page and was hinting at VeriSign having issued a certificate to them. He told me that they did not and was referring the issue to their legal department, who will go after them to kill the link and take their name off of the site. If they do not comply, VeriSign will have the site taken down. It is their opinion that this is a scam site, so I would keep it on the list. I was told that several red flags were raised when they looked at it.
You should take notice that there is a conspicuous lack of contact info....No tele#, no addresses, nothing. I will follow up with VeriSign next week a see how they made out.


Either I cannot find the reference to Verisign or the owners have removed it from the site.

I have had several communications with the owner of this site in the past and he has assured me that the site is NOT an active site (as far as actually being used for Escrow transactions), and he is not even sure he is going to continue to pursue it. There is a disclaimer on the main page as well.

Note - This service is still under construction and not yet available. When you register, you will be notified when it is finally up and running.

Although, I believe this particular layout has been used for other scam sites, It is a layout that can be purchased from Alstrasoft ( ).

As I looked for the link for Alstrasoft and specifically for their template (in a demo), I see that they now "Offer" an online Escrow Package so that you (or anyone else) can " Start your own escrow service and earn money by charging members escrow fees now!" Which I believe can, in and of it self, be VERY dangerous. I say this because ESCROW services (online or otherwise) are generally regulated by government agencies. But with Alstrasoft... Anyone can do it.... (Ugh!!!)

Any way, at this point, I would just advise caution to ANYONE considering using an escrow site in general. Do your homework before you send your money or merchandise anywhere.
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Postby wjn » Fri Apr 27, 2007 4:27 pm

Hi Peg,

The VeriSign logo & link was there yesterday at the bottom of the page in the yellow vertical bar. It is not there now so my guess is that VeriSign contacted them yesterday after my call and had it removed. The fact that the owner was using it and VeriSign had them remove it does not weigh in their favor.

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Postby peg » Fri Apr 27, 2007 5:06 pm

wjn wrote:The fact that the owner was using it and VeriSign had them remove it does not weigh in their favor.

Not disputing that... Just adding my 2 cents about it, as I have been contacted directly by the current owner of the site (or at least he WAS the current owner. Last time we communicated (and got beyond lawyer threats) he indicated that he was probably just going to sell the site and try and recover his expenses as he did pay for the template. (and of course domain name, etc..)
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Postby wjn » Fri Apr 27, 2007 7:13 pm

Hi Peg,


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