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Postby JaxHot » Fri Mar 09, 2007 9:48 pm

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Postby suziecue » Sat Mar 10, 2007 1:31 am

I have absolutely never -- and this is from experience of thousands of scam web sites -- seen an instance of a seller being a random person who just happened to stumble across a fake shipping company, and decided to use them for a transaction. This isn't just a "poor company" to use, it doesn't exist at all :lol:

One Shop wrote:there was no mention of aol or any aol related sites or email addresses

JaxHot meant to look in the full headers and find the originating IP -- if it starts with 172, it is AOL Europe.

I wouldn't bait this guy using your real information, I'd just take what you have to the FBI now and leave yourself out of it from then on.

One Shop wrote:so if the shipping site has been known to be fake and apparently inactive, how is it that its active one day, as some of it still is now, and then other pages are inactive the next?

It was shut down by the hoster once they were notified it was a fake, scammy site. Sometimes there are weird caching residuals, which would be the only reason it may appear to still be active in part. The international customs information link is a completely different site, unrelated to the scam site. (It's similar to us linking to, for example, it doesn't mean we work for the FBI or we own the FBI site, etc.)
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