www.international-world-delivery.com ??

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www.international-world-delivery.com ??

Postby frolo89 » Tue Aug 22, 2006 10:21 am


legitimate or not ?

when can i know this ?

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Re: www.international-world-delivery.com ??

Postby peg » Tue Aug 22, 2006 11:06 am

frolo89 wrote:http://www.international-world-delivery.com/

legitimate or not ?

Since the site is apparently down.... I would have to say NOT!

frolo89 wrote:when can i know this ?

I would say NOW!

frolo89 wrote:thanks

Your Welcome.
- peg -

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Re: www.international-world-delivery.com ??

Postby frolo89 » Tue Aug 22, 2006 11:11 am

peg wrote:
frolo89 wrote:http://www.international-world-delivery.com/

legitimate or not ?

Since the site is apparently down.... I would have to say NOT!

frolo89 wrote:when can i know this ?

I would say NOW!

frolo89 wrote:thanks

Your Welcome.

seller want absolutly use this escrow, he don't want use escrow-europa who is a real site.
i think that exist a fraud between seller and international-world-delivery.

sory for my english
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Postby CapriceFéline » Tue Aug 22, 2006 12:53 pm

Hi frolo,
do you speak german or french? The "seller" and the "escrow-company" or "shipping-company"are identical. It isn' t an individual, but an organisation like the mafia in Italy.

If a seller insists to use a special "shipping-company", stop contacting him to protect yourself from fraud. It is 99.999% fraud

Even, if he suggests the real escrow.com or escrow-europa by mail, verify if he didn#t before send you a virus or... to change the file of the real escrow-europa to a fraudulent site. That pharming becomes more and more popular amongst fraudsters.

Use a second Pc or phone to the (real !!)company to make sure that you are registered there and not only in the virtual fraud area.

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Postby frolo89 » Tue Aug 22, 2006 2:45 pm

je parle français :D

j'ai répondu à une offre interessante.
le gars m'a répondu que le pc venait de l'Italie et qu'on allait utiliser international-world-delivery pour le transport.

j'ai voulu me renseigner car le site me donnait pas confiance.
Ils veulent des mandats postaux comme paiement, et après j'ai regardé ce qu'il était mis sur ce site. C'est supposé être une entreprise de +/- 3000 personnes mais le numéro de téléphone et un portable (bizare !) et l'adresse est en plein centre de Londre (bizare bizare !).

je me suis donc renseigné sur les scams et fraudes. Grace à http://www.cybercrime.admin.ch/f/fragen-escrow.htm j'ai trouvé toutes mes réponses.

j'ai alors demandé de traiter avec une autre compagny mais il refuse et m'a dit :

Hello, No, I don't use http://www.escrow-europa.com Thanks your your time !!

j'ai demandé pourquoi , voici la réponse :

Hello, No, I don't use escrow-europa, by this service I the taxes is very high and the package/payment arrive very hard !!!I don't make the deal by this service.Find other seller who want to make the deal by your service escrow-europa ! Thanks

bref j'ai bien fait de prendre mon temps pour vérifier les infos.

y a t il des système de dépot qui marche ?

Admin Edit: Added Translation. Translation done with http://babelfish.altavista.com

translation to english wrote:I speak French Very Happy

I answered a interessante offer.
the guy answered me that the PC came from Italy and that one was going to use international-world-delivery for transport.

I wanted to inform me because the site did not give me confidence.
They want money orders like payment, and after I looked at what it was put on this site. It is supposed to be a company of +/- 3000 people but the telephone number and a portable (bizare!) and it address is in full center of Londre (bizare bizare!).

I thus got information about the scams and frauds. Thanks to http://www.cybercrime.admin.ch/f/fragen-escrow.htm I found all my answers.

I then asked to treat with another compagny but it refuses and said to me:

Hello, No, I don' t use http://www.escrow-europa.com Thanks your your time!!

I asked why, here the answer: Hello,

No, I don't use escrow-europa, by this service I the taxes is very high and the package/payment arrives very hard!!!I don't make the deal by this service. Find other seller who want to make the deal by your service escrow-europa! Thanks

in short I made well take my time to check the infos.

is there system of dépot which goes?
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Postby CapriceFéline » Tue Aug 22, 2006 9:47 pm

Salut frodo,

Tu as bien fait de te renseigner. Mais sur le site indiqué tu n'avais pas trouvé toutes les réponses.
Au moment où tu avais proposé une autre société fiduciaire au "vendeur", tu étais convaicu que ce n'était que la société qui soit bizarre, donc frauduleuse.
La manière dont le vendeur a réagie révèle le système de l'arnaque: le vendeur et la société sont membres de la même organisation d'escrocs, respectivement sont identiques

La "société" prétend garder ton argent en bonnes mains jusqu'à ce que la marchandise soit arrivée . Mais en vérité les escrocs prennent ton argent en anonymité et foutrent le camps. Tu ne recevras jamais la marchandise commandée. Il n'y aura aucune possibilité de récupérer l'argent.
Le tout n'existe qu'au niveau virtuel. Pas de pc, pas de vendeur , pas de société fiduciaire!! Rien qu'un site-web !

Il faut se méfier de toutes ces sociétés combinaison transport-tiers de confidence. Il y en a des milliers qui agissent de cette facon..

Jamais régler une facture par mandats postaux Western Union ou MoneyGram. (exclusivement pour la famille et des amis). C'est toujours de la fraude.

Même les virements sur les comptes bancaires dans un pays étranger sont dangereux. La police rencontrent des obstacles administratifs en faisant une enquête. Ca prend trop de temps pour sauver les sous virés sur ce compte.

Et sois prudent quand un vendeur ou un achéteur envoie un courriel te proposant une société légitime par un link . Il se peut qu'avec ce couriel il t'envoie un virus un ver, qui détournent l'adresse de la société légitime sur un autre chemin éléctronique. Chaque fois que tu entres cet URL tu seras conduit sur le faux site qui est une copie 100% de l'original. Toujours y téléphoner pour avoir la confirmation d'être enregistré réllement. Numéro de l'annuaire téléphonique !

Bonne chance pour l'achat d'un pc.

Il vaut mieux acheter un pc en France, le mieux sera dans ton voisinage.


Admin Edit: Added Translation. Translation done with http://babelfish.altavista.com

translation to english wrote:Hello frodo,

You made well inform you. But on the site indicated you had not found all the answers.
At the time when you had proposed another fiduciary company with the "salesman", you were convaicu that it was only the company which is odd, therefore fraudulent.
The way in which the salesman reacted reveals the system of swindles: the salesman and the company are members of the same organization of swindlers, respectively are identical

The "company" claims to keep your money in good hands until the goods arrived. But in truth the swindlers take your money in anonymity and foutrent the camps. You will never receive the ordered goods. There will be no possibility of recovering the money.
The whole exists only at the virtual level. No the PC, not of salesman, not of fiduciary company!! Only a site-Web!

It is necessary to be wary of all these companies combination transport-third of confidence. There are of them thousands which act in this way.

To never pay an invoice by money orders Western Union or MoneyGram. (exclusively for the family and of the friends). It is always of the fraud.

Even the transfers on the bank accounts in a foreign country are dangerous. The police force meet administrative obstacles by making an investigation. Ca takes too much time to save under transfered on this account.

And would be careful when a salesman or a achetor sends a courriel proposing you a company legitimates by a link. It may be that with this couriel it sends to a virus a worm to you, which diverts the address of the legitimate company on another way electronic. Each time you enter this URL you will be led on the false site which is a copy 100% of the original. To telephone always there to have the confirmation to be recorded réllement. Number of the telephone directory!

Good luck for the purchase of a PC.

It is to better buy a PC in France, best will be in your vicinity.

Last edited by CapriceFéline on Wed Aug 23, 2006 8:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby CapriceFéline » Tue Aug 22, 2006 11:00 pm

Sorry for not having translated the message for frolo into english. I am too tired. Iwill do this tomorrow.

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Re: Sorry

Postby peg » Wed Aug 23, 2006 1:57 am

CapriceFéline wrote:Sorry for not having translated the message for frolo into english. I am too tired. Iwill do this tomorrow.


Not a problem.... I usually do it for my own sake. Saddly I do not speak any French and only limited german. (Spent 4 years there and I loved it.)
- peg -

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Postby grumpyoldman » Wed Aug 23, 2006 9:11 pm

is up on yahoo

notice dispatched -

notice i say notice cause yahoo takes care of their own business and does not require me to send pages of evidence and arguments to remove an obvious fraud. bravo to yahoo and shame on the others.

To: <network-abuse@cc.yahoo-inc.com>
Subject: fake escrow shipper
Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2006 17:00:25 -0400
i've fallen and i can't get up
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Postby JaxHot » Wed Aug 23, 2006 10:19 pm

How many times do I have to say:
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