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Postby peg » Fri Jul 14, 2006 1:47 pm


If you look at the "Contact Us" page ( http://jdescrow.com/Contact.htm ) you see several bits of information. First thing I noticed is the phone number which is "Toll Free". This number is OBVIOUSLY not a toll free number. The United States Toll free rules are that the "Area Code" be one of 4 combinations. 800, 888, 877, or 866 (Source: http://www.fcc.gov/cgb/consumerfacts/tollfree.html ). 914 is a New York Number. Additionally if you go to http://www.numberingplans.com/?page=ana ... ub=phonenr and enter (including the + and the dashes) +1-914-833-6589 , you will see that indeed it's a New York Number. A little more searching revealed that it's also a wireless number. If you call it you will get an ANSWERING machine. Additionally it's an electronic voice. (Odd for company to have such an OBVIOUS electronic voice). So if a company is Headquartered in California, then WHY do they have a (Wireless) Phone in Larchmont, NY listed as their "Main" number. And why is their "Main" Fax across town in Mount Vernon, NY? THEN why is their "BRANCH" office in Chicago, using a Phone in NY? Same thing for the Michigan Office, Why a NY phone? Well I will tell you why. As I investigated this (for you since you seem to refuse too), Each of the phone numbers comes back to a an "Exchange Provider" many times denoted by a sequence of letters and numbers (again see results from queries on http://www.numberingplans.com/?page=ana ... ub=phonenr) such as "Nwyrcyzn07", A search of these particular providers lead me to http://www.telephreak.org/dids.php if you go to the main page of that site http://www.telephreak.org/ you will see that they provide this service for the main purpose of providing anonymity.

Finally with the phone numbers, I used ANYWHO.COM to find a listing of JD Escrow (http://anywho.yellowpages.com/sp/co/any ... estid=5052) and indeed it does come back with the proper name and address, but the phone number is NOT what's listed on site. The phone number IS a California Number. I Wonder why all this confusion on phone numbers?

Then I moved to the "License" info on the site (located on http://jdescrow.com/Info.htm ). They are nice enough to provide a link to validate their information. Indeed, if you check their license number, it is valid and the such... But if you look closer at the page on http://www.corp.ca.gov/fsd/lic/index.pl (the link provided by JD Escrow) you will see some more Interesting info. First you will notice that the site displays (not prominently enough, I might add)

The following companies are licensed to provide online escrow services:


Just to be sure, I looked around further and found They provide a link about Online Escrow Fraud at http://www.corp.ca.gov/ole/ole.htm and a FAQ section (in both HTML and PDF form) at http://www.corp.ca.gov/ole/oleqa.htm (for the HTML). If you look closely at question number 3... http://www.corp.ca.gov/ole/oleqa.htm#3 You will see a revelation that CONFIRMS!!! that JDEscrow.com is a FRAUD! (That is CONFIRMS, not might be, not could be but IT IS A FRAUD... 100 PERCENT. NO QUESTIONS ABOUT IT).

And I QUOTE (from http://www.corp.ca.gov/ole/oleqa.htm#3 ) with some appropriate emphasis:
Q. How many escrow companies are licensed by the Department of Corporations?

A. There are about 650 independent escrow companies in California licensed by the Department of Corporations. The Department licenses only one online escrow service: www.escrow.com.

I move on... I checked out the "Registration Page" and note that they do not accept credit cards (Hmmm... My guess is that they accept Western Union or Wire Transfers). They even have a link to a site to explain http://www.ecredible.net/news.html . I also have my doubts about ecredible.net as well but that's a later email). However the "more information" is quite lacking.

This site is VERY quick to move from one server to another. No sooner than it gets shut down, they MOVE to another server. I believe that this is because there IS a real JD Escrow in California WITHOUT a website. They DO escrow but not online (Perhaps Real Estate). They have alot of what appears on the surface as legitamite, but as you look deeper (as I have above) you will see that it IS a scam.


AVOID JDEscrow.com
- peg -

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Postby peg » Fri Jul 14, 2006 1:56 pm

IP as of original Listing: - Hostway Corporation
Now IP is : - Hurricane Electric
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Postby peg » Sat Jul 15, 2006 4:31 pm

Most recently moved to on ipowerweb

This is a persistant site that is trying to stay open... AVOID IT... Pass the word
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Postby peg » Mon Jul 17, 2006 10:21 am

Well this site is down again on IPOWERWEB servers... See how long this one lasts.....
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JDEscrow.com now radiantescrow.com

Postby peg » Tue Jul 18, 2006 4:22 pm

Yes JDEscrow.com FINALY got shut down... Now it's seemed they have moved onto radiantescrow.com.

They seem to like California as well. I believe that they are using http://www.corp.ca.gov/fsd/lic/index.pl to find legitimate Escrow companies without an online presence so that they can help to legitimize (if that's really a word) their existence.

Either case... Avoid radiantescrow.com.

in DB http://escrow-fraud.com/fraud_data.php?id=1752
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