This forum is intended for our users who wish to compose a letter to the various domain owners/hosts to alert them to the fact that they have a fraudulent site. This allows for a place to post the composed letter along with the address(es) to send it to. This makes it easier for others to copy and paste it into an email of their own thereby saving time for others. This way we ALL don't need to do the research of a particular domain and gather the specific evidence to compose a letter.
Please keep Posts (at least the initial posts in this forum) to that. Certainly comments after the fact in the specific threads are allowed and/or encouraged, but the main post for each topic should include at a minimum:
1. TO address(es) and any CC or BCC addresses (each should be clearly stated as to which one is which)
2. A (intelligently) composed letter written to those in the TO address.
3. The letter should include information which shows that the site is (or most likely is) a fraud. References included with URL's to back up claims.
4. Letters should also include a recommended solution (Shut the site down, refer to , a request to suspend pending independant verification, etc....)
5. Be professional. - To get the desired results, always be polite and professional.
The objective is not to send a mass mailing of letters to EVERY host, rather only the stuborn ones so that they know that there is more than ONE person making claims and has beliefs that the site mentioned is a fraud.