Money without MTCN ?

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Money without MTCN ?

Postby MarcB » Sun Oct 30, 2005 11:20 am

Hello everyone,

a person,from a company, wich is registered in manchester, wich want to sell something to me,
prefers western union money transfer,

he said, that I should make the payment on the name of my wife or somebody and send him the
receipt of WU
but I can withhold the MTCN number from him

can he get the money without the real name and the mtcn???

please answer

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Postby peg » Sun Oct 30, 2005 3:53 pm


First of all I will refer you to for some information about Western Union. Western Union should really only be used for transfering funds to someone that you KNOW and TRUST. Once it is in their system and the other party has the required information, they can divert the transaction to some other location (so that it's harder to be tracked).

I would STRONGLY advise AGAINST using Western Union for any transaction on the internet.

Additionally, in some countries, they are not as "Strict" with the ID portion when receiving the money. They do not necessarily need the MCTN or YOUR name. The name is just something used to reference the account. ID's are easily forged as well, especially in those countries that aren't as strict about it.

I would then INSIST on a Legitamite escrow company. is one and ebay actually has several listed (at the bottom of ).

If you chose to use an escrow site... DO NOT click on the links in the messages. Type them in your browser directly as the addresses can be made to look like they are legit when really they just direct you to a forged fake (Look-a-like) site.

I hope this helps you to make your decision
- peg -

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Postby MarcB » Sun Oct 30, 2005 4:28 pm

thank you really,

but, the person i want to buy from, says that he is registered, he even gave me his adress and his regstration number
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Fraud and the internet

Postby JaxHot » Sun Oct 30, 2005 7:04 pm

MarcB you should be registered too. an idiot.
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Postby MarcB » Sun Oct 30, 2005 8:13 pm

come on man,

kepp cool, i am only asking...
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Postby peg » Mon Oct 31, 2005 12:10 am

Although Jaxhot could have put it a bit more subtly, his point is that a scammer can and will tell you anything to get you to take the bait. It's important for you to inform yourself. Those who let themselves BE informed (in this case by the scammer) are just asking for trouble.

Western Union is NOT for money transfer to people you DON'T KNOW. If you read through the link that I provided in previous post, it is very obvious and is the FIRST item in thier list.

Moral of the story is
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Postby MarcB » Mon Oct 31, 2005 11:08 am

ok thanks, I will notice it,

can somebody then say, how I can proof a company by their registration number?
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Postby peg » Mon Oct 31, 2005 11:36 am

that depends on the company and the location. Many countries (states, provinces, etc....) have a Governmental website to validate such information. You should try and use google (or your favorite search engine) to find those sites to validate.

I have found, however, that companys that push for you to "Validate" their information (especially early on in a transaction) are probably NOT legit. Trust your insticts, do a little research about the company and make an informed decision. If you can not research a company, because the information is nto available or inaccessible, then perhaps you should avoid that company. Especially if you are dealing with high ticket items.

Use the whois information and see if it makes sense. Many times they use forged credentials there too. Look up the phone numbers listed. Do the go back to the same area as the registered address? Call it (if you can) ask questions of the person on the otherside, If they sound confused, then probably a bad choice of companies.

None of this is 100% conclussive that the business is legit or not. Only you can make the decision to proceed or not.

Hope this makes sense.
- peg -

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