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Postby lulujack » Fri Jul 06, 2007 7:28 pm

Help! I am selling a ring on ebay and there is a member (who has been a member since 2001 and has very good rating) who has contacted me. S/he has asked me to contact her on her private yahoo account as her ebay email account is full.

She has asked me to stop the auction early and sign up to http://www.recommend-trans.com in order to buy the ring and send the money to me.

Has anyone heard about this website and am I at risk if I sign up in the hope of receiving the money?

There is a verisign logo on the website but no contact address nor phone number. There is also a spelling mistake that I have spotted.

Thanks for reading.
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Postby peg » Sat Jul 07, 2007 12:57 am


Site is in the db => http://escrow-fraud.com/fraud_data.php?id=4375

The verisign logo is also faked. You can see it by going here http://recommend-trans.com/VeriSign.php and you will see it's a fake hosted by the scammers. Note the URL in your address bar and the URL that the page says that it should be (near the bottom.)
- peg -

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Escrow Ebay Fraud

Postby lulujack » Sat Jul 07, 2007 8:13 am

Thanks Peg
I had looked for an address and phone number - in fact any form of contact details and found none.
I asked the sender for a phone number and was told that they prefer to deal by email.
This person / fraudster has even built up a rating on ebay. I will let them know.
Thanks for your help.
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Postby georg » Sat Jul 07, 2007 9:50 pm

lulujack wrote:The name I was given was http://www.recommend-trans.com
Their Ebay handle is deputycat1
Their email addresss rochejulia@yahoo.com

insert by mod: copy from another topic
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Ebay fraud contact

Postby billbo777 » Tue Jul 31, 2007 9:11 pm

I am selling a natural yellow diamond on Ebay and I was contacted by a user who said they were having issues receiving email from their ebay account and they gave me a yahoo email address. I contacted them (she/he) and answered their question. 2 days later the auction ended without bids and I was again contacted from this user, they said they are 100% going to buy the diamond but wanted to use recommend-trans.com as they have done alot of business there and it is a good safe escrow company. I tried to email this user back at that time and it came back undeliverable, twice. After that I searched on recommend-trans and came up with listings on http://www.scamfraudalert.com and on escrow-fraud.com that this site is a fraud and a scam. :x
I used a 'contact us' button on their website telling them this and asked why, I havent received a reply back from them yet and it is day 2. I also contacted the potential buyer via email and this time I got through and told them what I had found out and asked why. They replied

"Hello,yes i received the emails , i don't understand why you said the recommend-trans is a fraud site since i just ended yestarday 2 transactions through them and everything was ok, i have a lot of positive feedbacks on this site and i prefere to continue to use it, i have found other sellers on ebay with itmes like yours, i'm very interested to buy your item but i want to start the transaction today, the anniversary will be soon, so i please you to take a decision today and email me back, if you decide to make this deal with me, today i will go to my bank and make the transfer. Wait your decision."

So needless to say I am very leery of this person, their ebay user id is dwilsonngl and even has 212 feedbacks at 100%, whats up with that?

I think I am going to be done with this interaction :roll:

I hope this helps other peeps as I think I averted being ripped off because of the info I found here and other fraud listing websites.

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Re: Ebay fraud contact

Postby peg » Tue Jul 31, 2007 9:33 pm

billbo777 wrote:So needless to say I am very leery of this person, their ebay user id is dwilsonngl and even has 212 feedbacks at 100%, whats up with that?

What is "Up with that" is the account has likely been hijacked. Perhaps through one of those Phishing sites or some other means. Regardless, the site of recommend-trans.com IS A FRAUD. It's 100% a scam. Believe NONE of what the other party will tell you because their objective is to part you from your money or merchandise.

I am glad you are leery of that person and I don't "Think" you should be done with the transaction. I KNOW you SHOULD be done with the transaction.

Can you please provide the details (i.e. email address, mailing address, phone number, or whatever you have) about your scammer here? That would also be helpful in helping others from getting caught by the scam AND may help the scammer to get caught as well.
- peg -

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Postby billbo777 » Tue Jul 31, 2007 10:56 pm

What is "Up with that" is the account has likely been hijacked. Perhaps through one of those Phishing sites or some other means. Regardless, the site of recommend-trans.com IS A FRAUD. It's 100% a scam. Believe NONE of what the other party will tell you because their objective is to part you from your money or merchandise.

That is what I thought, that whole id hijack thing, I have a friend who had that happen to them.

anyway the user was dwilsonngl thats pretty much all I have but I will be reporting it to ebay safe harbor and comittee.

Take care :D
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Re: scammer

Postby peg » Wed Aug 01, 2007 12:52 am

billbo777 wrote:What is "Up with that" is the account has likely been hijacked. Perhaps through one of those Phishing sites or some other means. Regardless, the site of recommend-trans.com IS A FRAUD. It's 100% a scam. Believe NONE of what the other party will tell you because their objective is to part you from your money or merchandise.

That is what I thought, that whole id hijack thing, I have a friend who had that happen to them.

anyway the user was dwilsonngl thats pretty much all I have but I will be reporting it to ebay safe harbor and comittee.

Take care :D
- peg -

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