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Postby helpme2007 » Tue Jun 05, 2007 12:30 pm

I'have find a car to buy on a website http://www.secondamano.it/iad/car/object?adId=561900

I've send an email to receive more information and the seller has told me that the car is in London and the transport cost it's free for me.
He has told "I will employee a shipping company to bring the car to your location. No extra costs. This is their website: http://www.icdb-comp.com/".
I must pay 40% of the car value before the shipment = 2200 EUR

Now i have find this site and i want to say if the ICDBCompany it's a fake.

I don't have pay but the price of the car is very low!!!

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Postby dominus » Tue Jun 05, 2007 1:58 pm

How will You handle the car's documents? Did You ask the seller? And what about his telephone number?
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Postby georg » Tue Jun 05, 2007 2:23 pm

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Postby helpme2007 » Tue Jun 05, 2007 2:27 pm

His telephone number is 0040 748 494 969. He has told that he is in London, but the internation prefix 0040 is from Romania and the prefix 74 is a prefix of the mobile operator Orange Romania.

He has sent me, with an email, all the document of the car.
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Postby peg » Tue Jun 05, 2007 2:29 pm

Forget the documents... Forget this car.... This company is a FAKE!


Also see

If you look closely, you will see similarities to coincidental to ignore at
http://escrow-fraud.com/images/sites/Layout2/ (of which at last count there were OVER 250 of this type of site as well.)

Be safe and save your money. The deal sounds TOOOOOO good to be true. So forget it.

What person in the right mind would absorb the ENTIRE cost of shipping a car more than a couple of miles (for which you would be able to drive it.)

If you still have doubts... than insist on using a KNOWN legitimate escrow site such as http://www.escrow-europa.com/ or any of the others listed at http://escrow-fraud.com/legit-escrow.html (all of which have been validated as legitimate). I suspect you would get some response such as "I have used http://www.icdb-comp.com/ many times and I trust them" or some other reason why they don't want to use any other site. (or at least not another legitimate site.)

Please verify ALL escrow sites lest you will lose your money and your car!
- peg -

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Postby georg » Tue Jun 05, 2007 2:29 pm

again...it is a FAKE...and check your pm-folder pls !
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Postby helpme2007 » Tue Jun 05, 2007 2:38 pm

OK thank you to all!!!

this form on my favourite link, thanks!!!

p.s. sorry for my bad english, i'm italian...
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Postby georg » Tue Jun 05, 2007 2:47 pm

esamini che il vostro il pm archivia prego? veloce
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Postby CapriceFéline » Tue Jun 05, 2007 2:57 pm


Some advice to find out, if the "company" resp. website might be a fake. You can use the tools on this homepage, for instance the WHOIS. Enter the URL.
1.When you read the text on the website :" our company is sincel 1987 more than a ......" , and the whois-page shows you that it is only registered a couple of weeks or days, in this case since 30.april, and only for a short delay (1year) there must be something wrong. 98% fake

2. They have no impressum, that means, who is the director, Tel. phone -number fax , etc, how can you get in contact with them? There is only a filling out form !!!! 100% fake.

3. Check the phone number (here, international numbering plan) When you get the information: "this number is most likely an italian Number...no further specifique information...that means that this number perhaps doesn't exist...".
120% fake!!!! All serious companies occur in an telephone- annuary or are registered at a provider.

4. You can google the adress of the "Shipping-Company". When you find under this adress the Ambassade of France or the National Health Center, you can be sure that they havn't rent part of the building to a shipping company. 150% fake
- :?
5 Have a look on the "Image-Gallery" (here)of fake-companies. If you find a similar or identical lay-out , iit is confirmed that it is a fake.

For this company icdb .. it is a fake.

Don't sent any money, it will be lost

Would you give 2000 Euro to a strange disguised person, you meet in the street
who promises you to come back in a couple of days and bring you a television or a car ..???

Wer kein freundliches Gesicht hat, sollte keinen Laden aufmachen. Chinesisches Sprichwort.
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Postby helpme2007 » Tue Jun 05, 2007 3:09 pm

For the last topic:
"Would you give 2000 Euro to a strange disguised person, you meet in the street
who promises you to come back in a couple of days and bring you a television or a car ..??? "

in other terms is the question that I have post to the "ICDB Company" and at the seller too!!!
I have write to the seller
"That ICDB Company have only one agency in the world. I must pay 40% of the value of the car (2200 EUR) to an agency that not have the VAT number (in Italy is the PIVA) on the web site and i can't have a receipt for the payment, than I must send that money to some one that... the agency want
only an email address to certify the transaction... sorry but this procedure
is not seriuos."

...no reply at the moment... i'm waiting...
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