I got scammed by Premierdepot.com They claim to be a escrow service with product delivery based in England and US and Canada The web site traces to Russia
If you google premierdepot.com you get 20+ positive opinions but all of these sites are spoofed sites of real company's and these sites trace to Austria and Romania
Hers a list of sites these scammers have set up in the last 2 years
https://premierdepot.com Permier Depot .com
http://easygaragesale.com Easy Garage Sale
http://www.hensondanielsen-co.com/ Henson & Danielsen Trading
http://vision-tp.com Vision Trading Post
http://www.insurian-trading-group.com/ Insurian Trading Group
https://www.elitetransactions.com Elite Transactions
Online Safe Depot
http://consignmentforall.com/2014/02/ http://consignmentforall.com/
http://www.acco-transactions.com ACCO Safe Transactions
I have set up a web site to track and warn these morons http://premierdepotscam.com
I have tracked the email I got from craigs list seller to Florida International University