Hello there!
At first - this is my first post and I have to say thank you for this site - it has prevented me from loosing much money!
I bought some Music-Equiptment (Pioneer CDJs) from a private auction-site similar to ebay (www.willhaben.at)
The seller stated to be located in Greece and told me some weired story about "she had an accident, she's a widow now, she has to sell her husband's stuff"
Prize was totally out of range, it was equip worth about €5000, sold for less than €700!
Because of the story and the very frequent mail-answers i got suspicious. When i gave my contact-info to the seller, a shipping-co called "arvino-servizione.com" snet me a mail, telling me to send them money BEFORE I get the package. I googled the URL, and visited their site http://arvino-spedizione24.onlinewebshop.net/
Then I went over to this site to double-check the layout with previous shipping-fraud-sites - and there it was: about 484 previos scam-urls used this layout..
so thanks escrow-fraud-forum, you've helped me alot!