If you´re going to buy a car and the seller suggest to use http://www.centralship.com -- Beware!!!
The so called transport company Centralship was going to deliver a car to me in Sweden, the car i bought from a guy in Germany. They wanted me to pay 2000 Eur by Western Union but i refused to, i´d rather do the wiring by bank transfer but then i would have to pay 50 % of the car value 8250 eur. I was given a name, bank adress, bank account nr, sort code, IBAN number and SWIFT/BIC number in the UK in order to make the transaction, i thought it was ok because an account maybe could be traced to an identity if anything would go wrong.
Guess what, I never got the car. Then i found this site.
Is there anybody who knows if it´s possible to find this person that i wired money to, after all, he has a real bank account in the Uk, is it possible to fraud him back with his bank account number and name on any webshop´s on the internat or MUST i have his visa card number too?
Please help, anyone!!
Regards Mac