Had an item on ebay, a user with email: Rolf Kaufmann rolfkaufmann99@msn.com suggested the use of the this web site for escrow services.
The web site http://www.quintecha.net
feel free the put the rath on this web site and user.
I also checked ebay and a variation of the above email address was also reported as being fraud.
I am curious as to the address I sent this to can be tracked, or if I should sent some surprise to the shipping address. I know better next time. I am actually posting more items on ebay and welcome escrow fruad, as I will waste their time and make thier lives hell.
Transaction details: I was selling a 3K dollar item.
Ebay userID: rolfkaufmann99
Here is the shipping information:
This is the shipping address:
First Name: Rolf
Last Name: Kaufmann
Adress: Antonio Suarez
Number: 48
Bajo Dcha
ZipCode: 46021
City: Valencia
Country: Spain
For the shipping company I would like ONLY FedEx , UPS or DHL because I had some problems with USPS (EMS) in the past.They lost one of my packages.Please start a new transaction and e-mail me.