[moved into a separate topic by lightfair]
I am new member since I found one site below:
this is proff
Dear Client,
the transaction 15328 has been accepted by the Seller.
Both parties have reached an agreement on the following terms and conditions.
Transaction ID 15328
Description: Komatsu Excavator
Currency: EUR
Purchasing price: 12950 EUR
Who pays the Escrow! service: Buyer
Postage and package costs: 129
Who pays the Postage and package costs: Seller
Inspection Period: 3 days
Way of paying: Bank Transfer
Please send the payment to EDS Escrow in the pre chosen way. Go to the following web page http://courier-eds.co.cc/?page=esshowpaymentoptions for information on how to make the payment.
The payments are net of the sending and receiving costs and agreed on the currency set in the transaction. Any mistakes made in transfering the money can cause delays and further expenses.
To check the amount to be sent we suggest you to open the transaction page and refer to the main entry "Total debit".
Once EDS Escrow has received the payment we will send an e-mail to ask the Seller to post the goods.
More information can be found in our web pages:
1) The FAQ http://courier-eds.co.cc/?page=esfaq
2) The quick guide http://courier-eds.co.cc/?page=esguide
3) Our service terms http://courier-eds.co.cc/?page=esterms
4) The HELP page http://courier-eds.co.cc/?page=eshelp
Thank you for choosing EDS Escrow !
EDS Inc. Team
mail support@courier-eds.co.cc
home http://www.courier-eds.co.cc
fax +44-(870)-471-6107