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Postby bilmorrisss » Mon Mar 30, 2009 6:03 pm

Meet another fraudster ! :twisted:
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Postby bilmorrisss » Mon Mar 30, 2009 6:07 pm

Sehr geehrter Herr Morse,

vielen Dank fuer Ihre Anfrage und Interesse am Porsche 911 Carrera 4. Weiter Informationen zur Ausstattung und Bilder erhalten Sie auf unsere Homepge:

Das Fahrzeug befidet sich z.Zt in Dallas - Texas und ist schon fuer den Export nach Europa vorbereitet. Wir arbeiten schon seit einigen Jahren mit der Schumacher Logistic und haben mit dieser Firma eine sehr gute Erfahrung gemacht. Sie koennten natuerlich auch eine andere Firma mit dem Transport beauftragen.

Fuer weitere Fragen und Informationen stehe ich Ihnen gerne zur Verfuegung.

Mit freundlichen Gruessen
Oliver Naderi
Director Sales Europe

Global Auto Traders
Dallas - Texas
United States of America

ADMIN EDIT: (Translation)
Dear Mr. Morse,

Thank you for your inquiry and interest in the Porsche 911 Carrera for more information about the equipment and images, please visit our Homepage:

The vehicle is in Dallas - Texas and has been for export to Europue prepared. We have been working for several years with the Logistic and Schumacher have with this company a very good experience. You could, of course, also use another company with the transportation commission.

For further questions and information I am happy to assist you.

With kind regards
Oliver Naderi
Sales Director Europe
Posts: 3
Joined: Mon Mar 30, 2009 5:58 pm


Postby keyvan » Thu May 28, 2009 12:57 am

We had a good experience with the company and I dont know why they are listed here??? :?:
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Postby peg » Thu May 28, 2009 1:13 pm

keyvan wrote:We had a good experience with the company and I dont know why they are listed here??? :?:

Apparently bilmorrisss did NOT have as good an experience as you.

I have to say my self, that I am suspicious of the site. Although, I cannot call it a fraud (or at least I am not willing to at this point), I find that there are things about the site that don't sit right with me.

First Why are the phone numbers displayed (on the website) in the format that they are? That is an extremely unusual way to present a US Phone number. Even if the target is a European audience, the format should still be consistent with the country of origin.

Next, how about a physical address? Dallas TX is a big place. What street are they on? According to their site, they have pictures of a WONDERFUL show room. Would one not want to be able to find it and perhaps visit it?

Also while this site is relatively new (on this host August 2008) The site has bounced around to 9 different hosts since November of 2006. Why? Perhaps they have been banned on the different hosts?

I also find that all the data on the site is very non-specific and leaves me very suspect about the site.

I think that if you find yourself looking at that you should be VERY VERY Careful. In fact the more I look at the site the more I am suspicious of it.
- peg -

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Postby lightfair » Thu May 28, 2009 4:46 pm

peg wrote:Next, how about a physical address? Dallas TX is a big place. What street are they on? According to their site, they have pictures of a WONDERFUL show room. Would one not want to be able to find it and perhaps visit it?

This could be somewhat difficult since the exterior picture is one of a Lexus dealer from Tacoma:

I wonder where the other pictures came from.
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Postby peg » Fri May 29, 2009 10:59 pm

keyvan wrote:We had a good experience with the company and I dont know why they are listed here??? :?:

Are you a customer or are you a part of the company?
- peg -

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