
Have you been frauded at at an Online Escrow Site? Put your story, questions and comments here!
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Postby dgeze » Sun Feb 06, 2011 10:16 pm

Has anyone heard of this France escrow site...
I sold a watch through this site and have not been paid and the site looks "real" and the process seemed "real" but NO payment!!!

Let me know
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Re: Lieteur

Postby krl81 » Mon Feb 07, 2011 6:48 pm

Im in a same situation,sold watch cant get paid. Now this website not working.What was the name of the person you shiped the goods to?
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Re: Lieteur

Postby lightfair » Mon Feb 07, 2011 8:43 pm


I saw the site before it went down. While it wasn't one of the known designs it definitely felt fake to me. There were a number of "things" (like certain phrases) that have been used with this type of scame before.

Please read the following threads and check if the whole situation is similar to your cases:


You need to file a police report as quickly as possible. Tell the officier that this is international organized crime.
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Re: Lieteur

Postby rbeasley7879 » Mon Feb 07, 2011 9:34 pm

I also was a victim. A gentleman named Adrien Bertin contacted me about a $10,000 Rolex on eBay. His user name on eBay is suppal138. His email address was My story is that same as all of yours. I checked the website and everything was good. I got emails from customer service. They requested I use FedEx. Everything was so elaborate. My watch was delivered today in France at 9am. I've contacted eBay and FedEx and nothing can be done. This website had paypal and eBay logos on the site. It was such a good scam. Im temped to fly to France and find this guy. I should have been smarter. I cant believe this happened. We all got taken.
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Re: Lieteur

Postby camjoe » Wed Feb 09, 2011 6:44 pm

I was robbed by same guy-Adrien Bertin. He directed me to "escrow insurance" website It looked totally professional- I was even getting emails from "support staff" and they were answering my questions and keeping me updated of process. Amazing. He used ebay user name saga6941, who had almost 300 positive reviews, and he "bought" ring through ebay site. I sent ring via UPS last Thursday to Paris, France- he then called my house numerous times- he got my phone number from ebay since I would not provide it to him after he requested it numerous times. I am shocked that ebay gave out my number like that- but have since removed it from website since they maintain that they can give it out if requested by a buyer. The "website" went down Monday morning, and that's that. His email was, and he answered emails as Gabriel P. Also someone named Marie sent me emails. From what I have read on here it sounds like he robbed a lot of people, crashed site... I am wondering how he got the user name saga6941 with almost 300 positive "reviews"- did he hijack someone's username from ebay site? I sent ebay a long email about this a**hole with detailed info- and they had the cohones to write back that they would probably sent him a "warning" email and possibly, based on what he did- take it a step further. What in Hell's blazes are they meaning- this guy is a criminal, already robbed God knows how many unsuspecting people, basically with the help of ebay and this is the ridiculous response ebay sends me? Also, they told me that they will not tell me what "actions" they will take against him. Are you kidding me? In addition I wrote on seller's blog about this guy yesterday morning w/detailed info so that no one else will get robbed- and ebay sent ME a threatening email that I was violating their rules and regulations in regards to posting other ebayer's name, email info, user name, etc. They removed poet within 2 minutes. I was stunned- I am actually more upset with ebay's handling of this than anything else. I take it as lesson learned- do not, under any circumstances EVER ship an item supposedly bought unless money is put directly in your own account. Period. I hope this guy gets caught.
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Re: Lieteur

Postby lightfair » Wed Feb 09, 2011 11:59 pm


I'm sorry to hear about your loss. As far as your questions go:

camjoe wrote:I am wondering how he got the user name saga6941 with almost 300 positive "reviews"- did he hijack someone's username from ebay site?

Indeed - he very likely hijacked the account of a legit ebay user (at least that's what usually happened in the previous cases). This of course explains partly ebay's reaction to your posting; and on the other hand ebay of course needs to maintain the appearence that the whole platform is generally safe.

What I would like to know: Did you actually finish the deal on the ebay platform? The previous cases (from last year) usually were done "outside" ebay; read: The seller was asked to end his listing early and to make the deal through the fake escrow site. If your case was done "inside" ebay it may be possible to get at least some little compensation from ebay (I'm not really familiar with the way this is handled, though).

And of course you need to file a police report (if you haven't done so already).
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Re: Lieteur

Postby Jeanette Wagoner » Thu Feb 10, 2011 4:19 am

The same thing happened to me only adrain even called me to help me set up the escrow
Jeanette Wagoner
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Re: Lieteur

Postby camjoe » Thu Feb 10, 2011 4:06 pm

Hi- thanks for getting back I appreciate it-
The transaction was completed on ebay site- I told him I would not do it if he did not buy the ring off ebay site. So far this morning I logged on to ebay- and his user name saga6941 is still there for viewing- all his "positive" reviews, etc. I cannot believe ebay still has not at least temporarily shut down his operation. I also went to this morning, and instead of message coming up that server cannot be found, it now says that website has been moved to new address, etc. So this guy is setting up yet another phony escrow website to scam more people. I am just furious that ebay has handled this so poorly. This guy has been doing this for literally years- he must be laughing his a** off, especially since ebay is basically helping him along. I received an email from ebay that I should mark item as not paid for, and then they would refund me their final sale fee, after some time has passed. They did not tell me that they would help with recovering some of the money- but I wonder. You may have a point since it was done through the ebay site- I was also sent another email that warned sellers against third-party sites, and was told basically that it is done at your own risk. What I am more afraid of now is the fact that this a**hole has information about me... I am taking every precaution- I already went to the bank and closed account that is connected to my Paypal account through ebay. If he has my email, which is what is used to "link" into Paypal- it is possible that he could access bank account that is connected to that account. When I spoke with bank manager he told me he has seen this happen a lot- apparently these criminals will sell to other criminals whatever personal info they have on you, or can then get by using what they already have, and then try to steal your identity, open credit cards in your name, try to access bank accounts... I am taking no chances. I would suggest to others, depending on what info he got, to do the same even though it is a lot of work.
I cannot believe the other posting that he called and actually spoke to victim- this guy is a nut- this probably gets him off in some weird way. I am wondering is the guy even French... I know Adrien Bertin is a famous race car driver- it must be an alias.
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Re: Lieteur

Postby Jeanette Wagoner » Thu Feb 10, 2011 4:47 pm

Did anyone put in their bank info on the site. If anyone hears of legal action on agaisnt this guy please let me know. We are going to talk to the faurd division today.
Jeanette Wagoner
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Re: Lieteur

Postby lightfair » Thu Feb 10, 2011 8:28 pm


I understand your frustration with the way ebay has handled this; and I agree that their handling wasn't too helpful. Some further thoughts and informations:

camjoe wrote:The transaction was completed on ebay site- I told him I would not do it if he did not buy the ring off ebay site. So far this morning I logged on to ebay- and his user name saga6941 is still there for viewing- all his "positive" reviews, etc. I cannot believe ebay still has not at least temporarily shut down his operation.

This might well be because it may belong to the original (legit) owner again. As I wrote I suspect this was an account takeover (a hijacked account). This means that this unsuspecting ebay user unknowingly gave his account data to the scammer. Perhaps he got a message pretending to come from the "ebay security team" requiring him to log into a "verification" site (which of course was just the scammer's own site just looking like ebay). So now the scammer can log into his account and use it to buy stuff (or sell stuff; this happens quite often). Once ebay becomes aware of this account takeover they immediately lock the account and try to restore it to the legit owner. This is a pretty standardized process; and once ebay is certain that the original legit owner is again in control - why should they longer suspend this account? I can understand if this feels "wrong" to you - but again, the actual legit owner of the account had nothing to do with this.

I also went to this morning, and instead of message coming up that server cannot be found, it now says that website has been moved to new address, etc. So this guy is setting up yet another phony escrow website to scam more people.

Yes and no. You can be sure that the scammer will set up another fake escrow site but is very likely gone. What you see now is the standard error message from the web hoster (XO Communications). This web hoster is one of the "good guys"; read: They will kill such fake sites pretty quickly (at least that was my experience in the past).
But there's more: Please have a look at the following galleries: ... layout=192 ... layout=193

I know they look very different to the site we're discussing here. But it used the very same text snippets as the sites in those two galleries; and no other sites used those texts! And: Many of the sites from those two galleries were also hosted with XO Communications.
This leads me to believe that the same scammer(s) that operated the sites from the galleries is/are also behind this current (now defunct) site.

And this leads to: ... ammer.html

I cannot say if this is the actual guy that robbed you or if he's part of a larger gang or if it was someone completely unrelated to him (which could be).

What I am more afraid of now is the fact that this a**hole has information about me... I am taking every precaution- I already went to the bank and closed account that is connected to my Paypal account through ebay. If he has my email, which is what is used to "link" into Paypal- it is possible that he could access bank account that is connected to that account. When I spoke with bank manager he told me he has seen this happen a lot- apparently these criminals will sell to other criminals whatever personal info they have on you, or can then get by using what they already have, and then try to steal your identity, open credit cards in your name, try to access bank accounts... I am taking no chances. I would suggest to others, depending on what info he got, to do the same even though it is a lot of work.

This is probably a wise move. Indeed some of the material gets passed around. After all, those are criminals...

I cannot believe the other posting that he called and actually spoke to victim- this guy is a nut- this probably gets him off in some weird way.

Could be, but could also be that they need to know precisely when the package arrives. I'm not completely familiar with the delivery scenario but it could be that the delivery address is actually invalid and they try to pick it up directly from the packing station.

I am wondering is the guy even French... I know Adrien Bertin is a famous race car driver- it must be an alias.

Probably Romanian; however there's also the possibility he's from Africa.
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