I was nearly frauded on here. I was buyign a digital camera and the person sent me over here. But this was one of those times where I just had a bad feeling the whole way through. The Western Union part, the fact that I was never on a secure server, etc. It just never felt like the real thing and that I was going to get screwed on this one.
But I ignored those feelings.
And I sent the money via Western Union.
The next day I Was surfing through the internet and I was looking for Fraud information on these sites and this one fit it to a T. The 'lady' sent me something, we used a place with pop-ups on the Veri-Sign information, and so on and so forth.
So anyone who is worried within the first 24 hours check Western Union's website, see if the money's been picked up, and if not call up and ask them to cancel the wire transfer.
Instead of owing 598 dollars, I just have to pay 58. Which is still unfortunate, but it's better then nothing.