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Postby Dee » Mon Jan 29, 2007 5:25 pm

I would like to thank you for all of your web site information. I almost got stung on this one.
Since I didn't send them any money I don't know who to inform of this company.

I tried to purchase a laptop from e-bay. about 5 minutes before the auction ended e-bay cancelled the transaction.

The person contacted me and asked me to still proceed with the transaction.

He sent me this e-mail
the website is not it's
> and it's completly different from that one ...
>you can contact them at . They told me
>they sent you payment instructions.

I tried to contact simple online security and the web was closed down then found your web site. When I told him this he said he gave me the wrong name and sent me the e-mail above. I found the first site on your web database but not the second.

I them sent him an e-mail back telling me I thought this web was also a fraud and told him I would do the transaction through one of you prefered site. He has not contact me since.

Thanks I can't afford to loose the money I sincerely appreciate your help
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Postby peg » Tue Jan 30, 2007 3:15 am

Thanks for bringing to our attention. I have added it to the database. I have seen that layout before but I couldn't find it in the gallery. None the less, it's been added to both the gallery and the database at
- peg -

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